Sentences with phrase «to leave something in the car»

That means, don't leave it in the car to bake in the sun in the summer, or to freeze in the winter.
Maybe you should just leave him in the car seat so you don't disturb him.
Always provide fresh water for pets in the heat and never leave them in a car.
I actually leave them in my car so they are easily accessible.
I always leave mine in my car and then make a sprint for inside!
I made my lunch, left it in my car in a cooler, and had lunch by myself on both days.
Take your pet to cold places during the hot season and avoid leaving them in the car park for long hours.
I usually left it in the car and had to run back to get wipes and diapers.
At least once a week, commit to turning your phone off or leaving it in the car during a social event or solo excursion.
It's better to leave your pet at home than tie him in front of a shop or leave him in the car on a hot day.
We ask you if you bring your dogs with you to please kindly leave them in the car.
Don't leave it in your car to drop below freezing or roast at over a hundred degrees.
You can have them back at the end of the tour, but maybe just leave them in the car.
Remember to never leave them in the car and remember to check if the national park you're planning to visit is pet friendly.
Obviously, we couldn't leave him in the car while we went in and looked for letters, so I jumped out at the corner of Broughton and Whitaker - and Kevin & Max proceeded to repeatedly circle around the block while I ran inside and scoured the store as fast as I could.
27 % of people will put their purchases at risk by leaving them in the car, including folks who take things back to the car and then continue shopping so they don't have to carry everything.
I can't even leave them in the car unsupervised while I check my PO box (even though I'm gone for 20 seconds and can see the car the whole time).
Summer Time Travel Tip - Be sure when traveling with your Yorkie, do not ever leave them in the car for any amount of time as they can get heat stroke and die.
The people were 100 % responsible for him, they are the ones who researched how long it takes a child to die in a hot car; the father is the one who left him in the car... sounds like they're culpable.
Found this for a great deal for only $ 99, and it is exactly what I was looking for, a umbrella stroller that can also attach with my car seat (maxi cosi) so I have the option to leave her in the car seat if she falls asleep after the ride and doesnâ $ ™ t want to be waken up.
If they don't, they may love that handout with your contact information, but I always wind up losing it or leaving it in the car until it gets a drink spilled on it and then gets thrown away.
Best practice is to never leave them in the car unattended and taking precautions by keeping your pets cool during warm weather.
Every year, dogs die because their guardians leave them in a car, even for «just a minute,» to run an errand.
You can always leave it in your car or stash it in your bag when you're carrying a big one.
I thought maybe I might have left them in the car in the ignition (have done this many times before).
Women visiting abortion clinics, whether or not they're there to terminate a pregnancy, should turn off their phones, disable their GPS systems or just leave them in the car if they don't want to see Copley's ads.
27 % of people will put their purchases at risk by leaving them in the car, including folks who take things back to the car and then continue shopping so they don't have to carry everything.
The Kona will be able to tell you when your phone is fully charged, or if you've left it in the car while exiting the vehicle.
They can over-heat and die, so never leave them in a car or trunk of a car (it has happened) or place their cages in direct sunlight.
I got my double stroller from Wal Mart for $ 50 and leave it in the car for errands, dr appts etc..
Buy a new gas can, put it on the ground (as in grounded to avoid a static spark) when fueling (don't leave it in the car), add stabilizer right now.
It keeps drinks cold in very hot weather, even when you leave it in your car.
I leave mine in my car window inside a paper bag for a day and that usually helps.
On our trip to the big city last weekend I had meticulously written out a detailed list for every store I needed to go to — and left them in the car.
Only two occasions when I leave them in car.
There is a base that allows parents to leave it in the car.
You can also leave the vest attached to the seatbelt and have the kid unbuckle and leave it in the car.
New Answer: «You can leave it in the car or wrap it around your waist while you're walking.
We just leave it in the car and grab it whenever we go into a restaurant.
It's so compact that we leave it in the car.
We leave it in the car with us now and hang it to our Navigator when we go out to the shopping plaza and use it at dinner.
We leave it in the car so it's always on hand.
This carseat is great if you're going to leave it in the car, but I wouldn't recommend it for travel.
(Tip: Just leave it in the car.)
We leave it in the car and take it with us on flights.
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