Sentences with phrase «to leave something raw»

Also, I chose to bake my crust part or the base of the cake, but it's perfectly okay to leave it raw as well.
An emotional powerhouse, the film leaves you raw.
You can either grab some rough paper towels, get them wet, and then go at your dog — potentially leaving them raw.
I think it would work fine but I would suggest soaking the almonds overnight and leaving them raw so that they are a bit softer (more like a walnut) which would allow it to break up better and absorb the flavors.
Some people blanch the leaves first while others leave them raw — see what works best for you.
Meeting someone and going out with a virtual stranger leaves you raw, exposed, nervous and vulnerable», says Stephany A. Crowley author of e-dating Secrets — How to Surf for Your Perfect Love Match on the Internet.
If you're using kale or another green, you can choose to leave it raw or sautee it over medium high heat with a tablespoon of oil, 2 cloves of garlic, and salt and pepper to taste.
Did you leave them raw?
To retain all the nutrition, leave it raw, you can eat it from frozen, or from the refrigerator.
They were fresh, so I left them raw, although they are also very good sauteed or roasted.
Toss the kale leaves onto the sheet in the last 5 minutes if you like, or leave them raw.
While the cauliflower is cooking, you can roast the onion for a sweeter flavor or leave it raw.
The emotions, whether they were joy, sorrow, love or pride, were so deep and sharp that in the end they left you raw, exposed and yes, in pain.
I left them raw and virtually unedited (except to find a logical beginning and end for each).
The sockets where his legs met the artificial limbs chafed when he walked, leaving him raw and bloody and putting powerful strains on his knees.
If you choose wood farmhouse shelf brackets you can choose to leave them raw, stained or paint them.
It was made out of all different types of plywood, so just sanding and leaving it raw wasn't really an option.
You can sand it back, paint it, or leave it raw.
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