Sentences with phrase «to lie on one's side»

Start by lying on your side with one arm extended above your head and the other arm in front of you, hand pressed against the ground.
To nurse while lying on your side in bed, ask your partner or helper to place several pillows behind your back for support.
To nurse while lying on your side in bed, ask your partner or helper to place several pillows behind your back for support.
It shows an enormous young man lying on his side on a beach.
Begin by lying on your side with your back and hips straight.
She should also be able to stretch out her legs when lying on her side.
With this position, both mother and baby lie on their sides facing each other.
For the most comfort, try lying on your side with your knees bent and a pillow between your legs (or part of the body pillow under your knee).
The best way to check for them visually is to have you dog lie on his side so that his thinly haired areas are easier to see.
Start lying on your side with your legs bent to 90 degrees.
And it took me a month before I figured out how to nurse lying on my side with my first baby!
Some moms crave being able to lie face - down again after lying on their sides for almost nine months.
What often helps with more comfort during sleep is to put a common pillow between your knees while lying on your side as this can alleviate lower back pressure.
It's a bit cracked and he had it just lying on the side of his house, discarded.
Place one or two pillows on your lap so that the baby is lying on his side at the level of your breast.
Step 3: As the dog lies on her side with her head up, place the treat before her nose and slowly lower it to the floor.
I couldn't lie on my side because the pain was worse when I did.
With my first baby, I simply couldn't make it work to breastfeed lying on my side.
You may find nursing more comfortable if you and your newborn lie on your sides facing each other.
To relieve this pressure a pregnancy pillow is extra soft, allowing for you to easily lie on your side without preventing proper blood circulation.
Some methods to reduce swelling include lying on your side while you sleep, choosing socks without elastic, soaking your feet with cold water and not crossing your ankles when sitting.
«I'd like you to lie on your side now,» I insisted, and helped her start to move.
Once home I was put to bed with the words ringing in my ears to lie on my side because if I laid on my back I would vomit, choke and die!
It looked like his chances at contention were gone for good at the sixth, but he caught a decent lie on the side of a cliff and saved a par.
Get comfortable lying on your side with a pillow under your head and another behind your back.
Mom lies on her side and her baby alongside on the bed facing her, tucked close to her body and supported by her upper arm.
I had to lie on my side strapped down with needles attached to my arms and monitors attached to my stomach.
Take breaks, and try to find time to rest lying on your side while supporting your upper leg and abdomen with pillows.
I am not sure whether the problem lies on my side or there is some error on the website.
Lift your leg lying on your side using a range of motion that feels comfortable without much strain.
The most comfortable and effective position for this exercise is to lie on your back, but you can also lie on your side.
The IT band was rolled by the participant lying on their side on the foam.
He indicated a tall, thick volume lying on its side on the top shelf of the case.
The only sign that anything was wrong was the new model ship lying on its side on the carpet.
They spend more and more time lying on their side grooming themselves.
We immediately see a lion lying on the side of the road.
Another conclusion is that in scientific debates with intense political and policy relevance, we shouldn't be surprised that both camps want to claim that the evidence lies on their side.
In most cases, the advantages lie on the side of the buyer since they would not be able to qualify for the purchase on their own.
British doctors have disclosed that those who read from their smart phones in the dark while lying on their side in bed risk temporary blindness in one eye.
Place between the knees while resting or sleeping, or use as a wedge to rest under your tummy when lying on your side.
Your baby lies on her side, on your lap (or on pillows on your lap).
Begin by lying on your side with your elbow directly under your shoulder.
Try lying on your side with a pillow placed between bent knees, or lying on your back with two or three pillows under your knees.
As your dog grows up and it's no longer practical to hold him in your lap, encourage him to lie on his side for his massages.
If you've owned your guinea pig for several years and he has just started lying on his side, something about him may have changed that warrants a trip to the veterinarian.
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