Sentences with phrase «to listen to the church»

Read your bible and understand it, then listen to your church leaders and compare, then you will find the truth.
It would help if the church was willing to listen to the church alumni association, but it's not.
While house sitting for my kids last weekend, I took a walk around their property to check out the woods and listen to the church bells ringing just beyond them.
thank god we didn't listen to the church back in the days..
Religious indoctriniation does instill some good values, but I feel that it lacks the component of personal integrity and responibility, and defaults to an unquestioning and unwavering defference to an outside authority, «god», but since «God» doesn't really interact with people, they tell you to listen to the church in his stead.
It is not surprising that Protestant laity listen to their churches» pronouncements on economic issues with the disdain evinced by American Roman Catholics for their church's teaching about human sexuality.
And, yet, I know he is as committed as I am to living before the Lord with integrity, to listening to the church tradition, and to teaching our students in a way that leads through theology and Bible into faith and love and hope.
You don't just listen to the Church; it's about responding to a life in Christ, living up to what we were made for in order to be truly satisfied.
Here I wish briefly to suggest what truly listening to the Church consists of, in light of what the Church actually is.
Since the belief system of a parish includes not only its formal creeds but also the meanings it assigns to itself and its members as finite bodies, to learn about a church's world view — what it believes is really going on in life — one must listen to the church's stories about its own body and those of the members who constitute it.
Responding to Love, Finding Life The way in which we should listen to the Church, therefore, is not in the sense of a dog listening to its owner's command to «sit», but in a truly free way.
It is inevitable that such an individualistic approach to the study of the Scriptures, which does not know how to «listen to the Church», will wander from authentic interpretation.
Absorbing this properly, then, should trigger a radically different reaction when we hear statements such as «listen to the Church».
Who was listening to the church?
Btw, listening to your church's recent sermon online, Great teaching, Love that the focus is God's word, too many church's are going the way of pop culture, alot of man's opinion, less gospel, not your church, very cool!
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