Sentences with phrase «to listen to the conversation»

I wasn't listening to your conversation with this client (as far as you know), but know that I feel your pain, sister.
For example, your phone could listen to conversations in the room even when it appears to be off.
The most common one involves listening to a conversation between several different characters and pointing out a contradiction with either a piece of evidence from the crime scene or within the dialogue itself.
My toddler just enjoyed playing in the bin, but she was listening to our conversation about letter names and even repeated a few.
It also addressed the convergence of online and offline tracking and the fact that a growing number of smart devices now listen to our conversations at home.
A microphone was attached to my collar, and I would stand around listening to the conversations of my friends.
While listening to conversation is important, so is listening to the birds singing, the telephone ringing and the water running in the bathtub.
Babies often enjoy just listening to your conversations, as well as your descriptions of their activities and environments.
Naturally, this two way radio service was public but no one ever listen to another conversation.
By seeking to model fair and courteous discussions, many stayed on to listen to the conversations week by week, whether the participants were well known or not.
Listening to conversations also gives teachers information that pertains to the learning environment.
If the child is unwilling to say which rewards he'd like for good behavior, simply observe the student or listen to his conversations with friends.
For example, a bot could listen to conversations between a house buyer and an estate agent, offering useful tips to the buyer such as when to withhold certain pieces of information.
Conference calls can be designed to allow all parties the ability to talk on the call, while other types of conference calls only allow some users to just listen to the conversation.
Despite what the conspiracy theorists claim, Facebook doesn't secretly listen to your conversations, CEO Mark Zuckerberg confirms.
Siri is activated through a «Hey Siri» command, and until those words are spoken, HomePod is not listening to conversations in a room.
According to C. S. Lewis, we learn more about God from Natural Law than from the universe in general, just as we discover more about people by listening to their conversations than by looking at the houses they build.
I, too love listening to conversations between kids and grandparents or aunts and I also love participating in them.
«And I would kind of listen to this conversation and go, no, because I'm seeing half of your children and they are not doing great at all.
Sometimes listening to conversations with their friends will help you identify the rites of passage that are important to them.
Syracuse, NY — Geddes town supervisor Manny Falcone has just pleaded guilty to felony eavesdropping for ordering his secretary to illegally listen to conversations among others in the town hall.
Geddes town supervisor Manny Falcone pleaded guilty to felony eavesdropping for ordering his secretary to illegally listen to conversations among others in the town hall.
We're multitasking, running on treadmills, doing dishes and commuting while listening to conversations from Stitcher and iTunes.
If you understand the Danish language and have a vivid imagination, go to «A Royal Affair,» close your eyes, and imagine that you are listening to conversations within one of America's largest Danish communities in Racine, Wisconsin.
You can listen to the conversations taking place as you circulate the room.
Smart brands are listening to conversations beyond their Facebook page or Twitter channel.
It's been very interesting for me to listen to this conversation rather than do what I sometimes am inclined to do and wade in with an opinion.
Leading with these concerns helps non-Christians listen to our conversation about Christ.
And one of my greatest joys has been creepily listening to conversations about TLJ when I'm out and about.
We're sitting in the pub post Star Wars, discussing the film in minute detail as we are wont to do... AND THE WOMAN FROM THE NEXT TABLE TURNS TO US AND SAYS «OH HI, I»M ROSE FROM THE FILM AND I»VE LOVED LISTENING TO YOUR CONVERSATION FOR THE LAST HOUR.»
haha I digress... I had no idea he was heading to the Island until I was talking to my brother and I said the word «Mazel» which my mom who was listening to our conversation right away responded with... speaking of mazel, Andy Cohen will be here tomorrow... love how my whole family is familiar with the WWHL logo While I still haven't chosen what I am going to wear tonight to meet the fabulous Andy himself, I have put together a little leopard look for ya'll today.
Spend time learning and listening to the conversation before opining on it.
I enjoy listening to their conversations throughout the school year because they usually offer an opportunity...
You might want to listen to this Conversations Live interview with author M J Rose.
Enemies constantly roam the streets, allowing you to dive in and beat some faces whenever you like, and even listening to their conversations can reveal more about your hostile surroundings.
What we do know is that Facebook ads can be incredibly accurate, if not invasive — so much so that many users have started to think the platform actually listens to their conversations through their phones» microphones.
One of these strangers is Reddit user FallenMyst, who took to the discussions website to post about her experience listening to conversations, both boring and lewd, between plenty of smartphone owners and their virtual assistants.
Despite the first wave of negative reviews, some might appreciate the fact that Alexa isn't constantly listening to your conversations, waiting for her turn to talk.
I remember sitting on the top of the stairs with my older sister listening to their conversation and hearing my Mom beg and cry.
Listen to this conversation and learn strategies for making decisions together, resolving conflicts, recovering after upsets, and converting difficulties into opportunities for growth.
«As real estate professionals, we need to use the tools that clients are using and listen to their conversations so we know when they need to buy and sell,» she says.
She thought that hiring an assistant might free up time for her to get the important things done, but after listening to her conversations with her hairdresser and with another agent, plus a couple of urgent text messages that were read and responded to, I realized that this gal needed to unplug more than she needed an assistant.
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