Sentences with phrase «to look for something different»

The carrier is only available in black, so anyone looking for something different in terms of appearance may prefer to check elsewhere.
If you are looking for something different for holiday parties, this is your recipe!
This is a demographic which is often looking for something different from the traditionally younger online dating crowd.
I was actually just looking for something different to do with lentils, so that I could come up with a good lunch to take to work next week.
Both attract parents looking for something different than their local schools, whether that's a more progressive environment or a more academically - rigorous one.
Like my headline I am looking for something different when it comes to dating.
There has been growth in the luxury sector and people looking for something different in a hotel, not rooms that all look alike.
Who should get it: Players looking for something different who don't mind rough edges.
Tired of playing the dating games, so looking for something different.
This is a unique crib that truly stands out from many others and may be preferable to customers looking for something different.
But these two are so popular, that I started looking for something different but still easy to combine.
For singles looking for something different, unique, and fun then check out these options.
It's more an experience than just a game: some may like it, others no, but for those who are really looking for something different it's a must have.
I was laid off from a large electric company after a merger and went looking for something different.
If you are looking for something different from comfort food, look no further than this pot pie recipe.
I tried this recipe because I am always looking for something different to enter in the fair.
If you are looking for something different for your morning toast, try this crunchy, nutty loaf.
If you were looking for something different in terms of funding feel free to let me know and we can explore other structures.
Whether you're a fan of survival games or just someone looking for something different, Subnautica is the game for you.
Kristen Wiig, particularly, could be a draw as audiences look for something different from the normally comedic actress.
If you're looking for something different on your DS, this is definitely worth a try.
However, if you are looking for something different then this Activities Advent maybe just the thing.
I'm younger athletic body tan brown hair blue eyes I'm looking for something different as in older wise to see how things would go I'm sick of always giving so much and in return I get broken someone out there can show me different
Made with Blue Nun wine and exotic fruit flavours, this re-launched portfolio of five wine - based drinks is aimed at female wine consumers looking for something different to try with a lower alcohol content.
In this sense Thea is a little more RPG - focused than other typical 4X games, but because of that alone it has its own identity that makes it a good choice for genre fans looking for something different.
Overall, this is a design that is still fresh, funky and offers something new to anybody looking for something different among entry - level hatchbacks.
Pharmacy Technician, Order Entry Looking for something different because you're tired of the retail rat race and dealing with crabby customers?
GET CERTIFIED WITH SCUBA DIVING COURSES IN PUERTO RICO For Adventurers that are looking for something different with a new rush... discover the excellent diving waters off Puerto Rico's eastern coast.
It's like Gaben had an idea, did the minimum work to make the idea happen, struck gold with ignorant people looking for something different who then couldn't stop praising (and vociferously defending) it even with the monumental problems the service continues to have, and with each new «addition» to the service it's met with either intense hatred by the consumers (paid mods) or is abused by consumers and hated by the devs (refunds).
As the postsecondary foodservice industry is dominated by three to five big corporations, FSI has positioned itself as an alternative to schools looking for something different, Vice President Bob Adamus says.
have always wanted o make this recipe — I cook a great deal and am always looking for something different well I followed your recipe to the T and it was absolutely fabulous!!!
Highly doubtful Arsene will buy someone to do the job Giroud does, Arsene is looking for something different judging by our recent targets.
For individuals or couples looking for something different this is truly a slice of heaven.
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