Sentences with phrase «to look outside the box»

Looking outside the box of processed kibble, I began feeding my dogs a raw diet about 15 years ago.
They expand the horizons of Irish daters across the country by looking outside the box to create matches between, for instance, a learned lecturer and a beef farmer.
If you are NOT getting better or results, you have to start looking outside the box.
There's no getting through to you because your arrogance stops you from looking outside the box.
Don't be scared to look outside the box when it comes to this modern day classic and make a style statement of your own.
You'll need to look outside the box of the major credit card issuers.
How could schools look to address budget issues (especially salaries) by looking outside the box?
Anyway, those with limited time or mind for understanding... will get out of anything... what they put into it... and unfortunately much of the world just has the time to focus on surviving and don't want to risk the security of their little group to look outside the box for more useful meaning, unless they are forced to.
'' @Red Dwarf «ancestors eating certain mind expanding mushrooms which unlcked certain chemical responses in their brains allowing them to effectively look outside the box that was their survivalist existence and begin contemplating the why along with how of survival.»
You're absolutely right to follow your instincts and check all the needs first, and great that you even looked outside the box of «basic needs» and could discover that the osteopath helped.
SHELLY STEELY: You know all the process food and so I think kind of just looking outside your box if your child was raised somewhere else they would be eating heavily seasoned or heavily spiced foods.
«Sometimes you can find the solution to age - old puzzles by looking in new places — in this case literally looking outside the box!
For school reformers, it means looking outside the box, looking for hires outside of the TFA alumni circles and putting those who are passionate about and committed to reform into their ranks.
Loyal to a fault, willing to look outside the box for solutions.
Always looking outside the box, NPC implements innovations to reduce its end - users» produce spend without jeopardizing quality and shelf life at the store level.
«People who were feeding traditional pet food products and could not resolve health issues in their pets started looking outside the box — or the bag — to see what alternatives they could turn to in order to resolve these issues.
By looking outside the box, NPC implements innovations to reduce its end - users» produce spend without ever jeopardizing quality and shelf life at the store level.
«They're looking outside the box and at people like us for those kinds of innovations.»
Creating a new product line, or marketing products to underserved markets is a perfect way to get involved in social entrepreneurship, but don't be afraid to look outside the box.
[Crowdfunding] is an innovative way to look outside the box and get up with the times to open up capital markets to new businesses and existing small businesses.
«They bring so much ingenuity; they're able to look outside the box
It's this frustration that forces you to think differently, to look outside the box and see the solution you've been missing.
If you could drop the arrogance and look outside the box, you'd be considered open - minded.
At least ONE person in America is looking outside the box.
We should all be willing to voice our opinions in a manner that provokes thought and forces others to look outside their box.
Jeremy Myers is one or the most thought provoking authors that I read, this book has really helped me to look outside the box and start thinking how can I make more sense of my relationship with Christ and how can I show others in a way that impacts them the way that Jesus» disciples impacted their world.
For parents, I think it is important to remember to look outside the box.
I am also grateful for Dr. Small's willingness to «look outside the box» and for his determination to perform my reconstruction in a way that would give me the best results with the least amount of recovery time.
More importantly, from a personal perspective, her role at POST has turned out to be excellent career match for a thorough researcher who was never afraid to look outside the box.
And I'm usually happier and healthier living and looking outside the box.
So thankful for you alternative doctors willing to look outside the box and finding true health.
This DVD isn't for you if you are scared to look outside the box.
Very, caring, active, fun to be around like to laugh ~ ~ Life is too short to take seriously, yet can be when called for, I like to see things more on the positive side but sometimes one has to be willing to look outside the box.
If you are saying «Yep» to either one of those questions - then it's time to look outside the box.
A more immediate way districts are looking outside the box is to use their Education Service Agency (regional education agencies that often provide curriculum, instruction, professional development, etc...)
They look outside the box and are excited about the endless new opportunities and possibilities being made available everyday in the publishing space.
All that is needed is some careful preparation, and taking a look outside the box.
I agree that we need to look outside the box to find alternative investments.
The trick is to stop thinking about your usual indoor activities and look outside the box.
First, and perhaps most importantly, retirees who want to live luxuriously might need to be willing to look outside the box.
Always looking for ways to look outside the box, the small team at gentlymad is trying to create games that are free from overused and repetitive puzzles.
Hudson was a visionary who was able to look outside the box and encourage and support artists who strived to be different.
In following the lead of Strosberg and many other great lawyers who have figured it out, being flexible and looking outside the box can translate into an enriched, interesting work life.
«I think that people suddenly realize there isn't just one way to do it, that we need to look outside the box, we need to recognize there's not just one model of legal education — there can be a variety of models of legal education.
With so many tools at your disposal, you can look outside the box.
Stop and smell the roses, a change of scenery, or a series of inspiring and thought provoking quotes; whatever it takes in our busy and sometimes stressful lives, it is important to take a break and create an opportunity to look outside the box.
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