Sentences with phrase «to loosen dead hair»

This will further loosen dead hairs and bring them to the surface of the coat.
Warm water, as well as the skin massage that comes with a bath, helps to loosen the dead hair so it will fall out more easily.
A gentle glide across their coat will help loosen dead hairs from their skin.
Using a rubber brush first to loosen dead hairs followed by a good combing at least once a weak is recommended.
You can use your fingers to loosen the dead hairs in your cat's coat by massaging against the hair growth in the direction of its head.
Regular bathing will help loosen dead hair and dander from your french bulldog's fur.
They should be bathed regularly which will help loosen dead hair and keep the skin clean.
During shedding season, baths help to loosen the dead hairs — the dog must be completely dry before brushing begins — and a rake helps strip out the undercoat.
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