Sentences with phrase «to lose interest»

People quickly lose interest in a story, cease to follow it, and retain their first impression.
They will then quickly lose interest in the game before ever trying the final product.
I'd say these are the 5 biggest and obvious signs of lost interest after the first date based on my dating experience and history.
Almost everyone loves puppies and kittens, but some people lose interest when these animals grow up.
Human readers, however, lost interest after about a week.
No, most women don't lose interest in sex as they age — some do, but not most.
In an isolated world learners soon lose interest if they have no one to spur them on to success.
This is because it is the most important section, and every other section should be kept brief so readers do not lose interest before reaching the information about your previous working experiences.
Hmm... it's amusing, and extraordinary, how rapidly most people lose interest in such a dull recommendation!
With basically a year of delays however, I was quickly losing interest as the finish line seemed to be slipping further and further away.
My lasting impression is one of collecting your money and then losing all interest in you.
I just lost interest in doing the sort of things that I did before.
Most people will completely lose interest in reading what you so carefully wrote, no matter how interesting or helpful the content might be.
Many children lose interest in reading during middle school.
If a normally active dog suddenly loses interest in playing fetch or no longer runs across the room, this may be a sign of illness.
Readers will soon lose interest if there is no interaction and people visiting the site will be less likely to do so if the content is not kept up to date.
This means the infant gradually lost interest for an object that became familiar to him or her.
I found it impressive that for such a lengthy game, the story pacing was well done and I never lost interest in what was happening.
If you are not mindful of the time you spend training them, there is a strong tendency that they will feel bored and simply lose interest in what you are teaching them altogether.
You can also lose money on your money market account by withdrawing more often than the stated monthly allowance, and also by losing interest on the money withdrawn.
Nothing will make a hiring manager lose interest faster than a sloppy resume that makes you appear unprofessional.
Many people get turned off and immediately lose interest when they notice bad grammar on their interest's profile.
Most people will watch up to 2 minutes without losing interest.
Most students lose interest with lectures some call them «boring».
Is there such a thing as moving too slow — sexually and emotionally — where a woman loses the interest of a man?
I've already lost interest simply cause of the lack of information.
Many people lose interest at this point because they incorrectly assume this is the best the relationship will get.
In other cases, it's far too long before the story has reached a turning point and players often lose interest before they reach the middle of the narrative.
He also says that when dogs lose interest in dry food, adding warm water, chicken broth, or a small amount of canned food can make it more appealing.
She used them to go on a few dates in the past, but eventually lost interest.
Your sugar baby may not be as into it as you are, or she may gradually lose interest in sex over time.
Without images, audiences lose interest so even the best writing can go unnoticed.
Well, maybe your date lost interest because of something you said or did — even though you didn't realize it at the time.
Do not leave any single blank in your profile, as not only does it leave bad impression, but also loses interest of people who are visiting your profile.
I will probably lose interest pretty quick if they don't bring out the local co-op, as that is really where this game could shine.
As a result, many students lose interest in school.
I see teams lose interest once the deal is cut.
After this, they may or may not start losing interest in the mirror.
Since a dividend stock that doesn't increase its payout will lose interest from investors, chances are that you won't be able to recoup your investment return with big capital gains.
As much as I like those, I never really lost my interest in the supposedly real life encounters between the living and the dead.
Often times, kids lose interest in a positive reinforcement chart if the behavior listed on the chart isn't rewarded.
Long passages of exposition and / or shoe leather (irrelevant information) make readers lose interest in a story.
If a reader found your book because they searched for a Civil War mystery, then include that detail in your book description, otherwise you'll risk losing their interest.
She reportedly explains in the book the reasons men lose interest in sex and offers tools, methods, and advice on dealing with this issue.
Luckily, there are a handful of terrific moments, occurring just often enough that you won't lose interest altogether.
We are not interested to have ladies who lost interest in the service.
It is targeted to a middle school audience, an age at which studies have proven that girls lose interest in STEM.
I feel like lots of people swim when they're young but then slowly lose the interest or ability.
If they lend money to somebody who will not pay back, they will not only lose interest income; they will also lose their capital.

Phrases with «to lose interest»

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