Sentences with phrase «to lose items»

While it may lower a debt's interest rate, it puts you in danger of losing the item used to secure the loan.
Replacement Cost provides you with a payment equal to that required to replace lost items in the loss settlement of your claim.
I advised him to bring it up to the local shop as people would be more likely to inquire for lost items there.
If you ever lose any item in your home to theft or disaster, you will want to be able to replace it with something of equal value.
If you have an accident on the water, or even on land, there is a large chance that you will lose the items on your boat.
Some credit card travel insurance policies may not cover lost items, such as loss of wallet, passport, or luggage, and certain types of medical conditions.
And perhaps best of all, when another player buys the item, the selling player gains the money but doesn't lose the item.
Again, you risk losing the item if you can't repay the loan.
If you have to rebuild your life after a fire or a theft, you'll want and need to quickly replace many lost items.
I have just described every single Lost Item case.
Alternatively, you can buy a policy that pays Replacement Cost, which will pay the amount it would cost in today's dollars to buy the same lost item again.
Alternatively, you can buy a policy that pays Replacement Cost, which will pay the amount it would cost in today's dollars to buy the same lost item again.
This was because the CD is a small, easily lost item that still needs to be tracked.
Most purchase protection programs will not cover you if you simply lose an item.
Other policies will only pay out so much per individual lost item, so if you have some extremely valuable items they may not be covered in total.
In some cases, the insurance company may also ask for receipts of lost items.
There is one way to add protection for lost items to a policy.
The plan may also include something like $ 800 in luggage protection to replace lost items.
Does not cover lost items, accidental damage or wear and tear.
Losing these items in a fire, natural disaster or freak accident can be difficult.
If you have to rebuild your life after a fire or a theft, you'll want and need to quickly replace many lost items.
Players can sometimes find lost items on the ground and return them to their rightful villager owners.
Provided customer service in the return of lost items from passengers at TSA checkpoints at LAX.
Why take the chance of losing your items with no option for compensation when you can easily buy and afford Bartons Bluff renters insurance?
The free - flying robots are called Astrobees, and they might prowl around the ISS, film astronaut activities, power new science experiments, and help NASA locate lost items by the end of 2017.
Victoria «Vic» McQueen has her own supernatural ability to locate lost items and is the only child to ever escape Manx's clutches.
The path leading me to today's blog post stems from my previous post, which noted how handy The Legacy Tobacco Documents Library (LTDL) was for finding such long - lost items as one of the earliest articles about the leak of coal association memos which are the basis of Ross Gelbspan's second career.
This includes the physical impact of the fires, as well as grief over lost items such as treasured mementos, photos, and the loss of stock animals and family pets...
ACV coverage depreciates the value of lost items according to age, while replacement coverage provides payment based not on the depreciated value of the item, but rather on the cost of replacing it with a similar new item today.
Instead, the player will be able to explore a purgatory of sorts and even make their way back to the spot where they died to recover lost items much like in the Dark Souls series.
Tile claim that their tracking product Tile Mate can help find lost items like keys and purses.
Another nice feature is the entire diaper bag zippers shut instead of a magnetic closure, You don't have to worry about losing your items or things falling out.
The price is definitely right with this trend haha, though I have to admit, I'd be very wary of actually using one in fear of losing items through the netting!
You do not want to skimp on this kind of coverage, since you could potentially lose your items during a disaster or a burglary.
I've learnt so much from this post, i love learning about the origination of words for garment of clothing, Also, couldn't help but laughing out loud at your comment about being headless, i'm sure your grin wasn't * that * bad, my shots are ALWAYS headless, i also have a grin which vaguely resembles a werewolf, maybe i should just embrace it and such beauties you have been hiding away, i am forever feeling guilty over lost items, demoted to back of wardrobes gathering dust bunnies x
Media Donation Request Employment Partners Mobile App Lost Item Report Site Map Contact Us.
i do nt know i think this thread died i am still waiting for an answer on updating without losing my items
Add a degree of difficulty incrementally, growing on your dog's ability to find lost items until you are ready for more advanced work.
Retrieve lost items that have fallen overboard or over a dock.
Selected Achievements • Suggested the introduction of a lost and found section, which resulted in ease of returning lost items to shoppers.
The entire diaper bag closes with a zippered top to prevent losing items.
The multiple inside and outside pockets make it easy to stay organized and avoid losing items in the abyss of a bag.
The characters in the kart lose any items if hit and are sent flying directly upwards.
If you miss one of your payments or fail to get your layaway out in time, you could lose your item altogether.
Whether you've lost a laptop or found someone's beloved teddy bear, MissingX can help you record lost items and submit found ones quickly and securely.
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