Sentences with phrase «to lose one's vision»

Our client ultimately lost vision in one eye, and the case settled at mediation.
Many dogs will lose their vision due to these severe changes, and some dogs will even become aggressive or sensitive about their heads / faces being touched because of the pain.
Is it tough to make sure you don't lose vision of the storytelling aspects that you really want to make sure are key?
If her vision loss is permanent, she won't be as devastated as a human who loses his vision would be.
Having lost his vision as a child, he is particularly sensitive to the struggles of students with disabilities.
When a dog loses vision suddenly, the signs are more dramatic and the dog needs more support.
One day an artificial retina like this could help millions of people who have lost their vision through retinal degeneration.
Laser surgery may stop progression of the condition, but will not restore lost vision.
The question is sometimes asked why any treatments or monitoring are necessary in an eye that has already lost vision.
When people lose vision, it's easy to lose hope.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the disease many animals lose vision despite treatment.
The toy struck her in the eye, and she ultimately lost all vision in that eye.
Unfortunately, there's no way to accurately predict which patients might lose vision most rapidly.
Before losing her vision she was an avid reader and not being able to enjoy a good book was probably the most devastating thing about her loss.
Each year thousands of pets lose vision to genetically based or acquired eye diseases.
At severe cases, dogs still adjust quite well even though they partially or fully lose their vision.
Many dogs adapt to losing their vision especially if it occurs gradually.
Our vets have seen her and said that she has an old eye injury to her left eye and has lost some vision in that one eye (it is cloudy / white).
I have not lost my vision that a pure and ultimate truth may exist.
In reviewing 13 studies, the task force saw evidence that screening can detect increased fluid pressure and early glaucoma in adults and that timely treatment for fluid pressure reduces the number of people who lose their vision from the disease.
Mainly because I've been writing for other publications, but also because admittedly, I've lost my vision for what I want my own site to be about.
That connection may benefit those who have lost vision because of damage in the structures between the eye and the brain — the loss of an eye through trauma, for instance, or damage to the optic nerve.
I also enjoy traveling and have been to Europe twice since losing my vision.
After temporarily losing her vision due to a stress - induced...
These dogs are often older and have been gradually losing their vision as their cataracts or glaucoma worsens.
Though America was a country of many different Churches, each competing against the other, it had never lost the vision of the Churches working together in the spirit of unity.
My Grandpa lost his vision, had to have his feet amputated and eventually died from this disease.
She indicated that since there was a risk of Alivia losing her vision, her family wanted her to read and see as many books as possible while she still could.
If I was there employee and it hsd gone on for this long I would've left long ago... The club has lost its vision zand everything centres around Wengers games.
An ophthalmologist with Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, Dr. Gordon Plant explained that after they stopped reading from the smart phone and got up to do other things, they might suddenly lose vision in the eye they had been using to read, adding however, that the experience is temporary, with no risk of long term damage.
Between 12,000 and 24,000 people in the United States lose their vision to diabetic retinopathy each year, but the condition can be treated if caught early.
May lost his vision at the age of 3, when a jar of fuel for a miner «slantern exploded in his face.
Many genes govern the development of eyes, and different populations of cavefish have lost their vision by disrupting different eye genes.
«With a set pupil size suited to bright sunlight, patients with today's artificial irises lose vision in the dark»
In short order, Henson lost all vision in the right eye, while his left eye fell to 20/200.
Ninety percent of patients with age - related macular degeneration never develop new blood vessels and lose vision instead because of atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium.
I was interested to read about Charles Bonnet syndrome, in which people who are losing their vision experience hallucinations (5...
From invertebrates to fish to salamanders, cave - obligate species have repeatedly lost vision / eyes, deactivated pigments, slowed metabolic rates, and evolved behaviors to survive in a nutrient poor environment where most organic material gets washed in from the surface!
Veteran Japanese filmmaker Naomi Kawase returns to Cannes with «Radiance,» a film about a photographer who struggles with losing his vision.
Mike May lost his vision to a chemical explosion at the age of three.
The clientele tends to be individuals who have lost their vision later in life, so learning to access ebooks and ebookstores through multi-purpose tablets is a secondary consideration to simple devices that are easy to use and easy to get content for.
The coalition includes the organizations that represent the blind, people with dyslexia, people with learning or processing issues, seniors losing vision, people with spinal cord injuries, people recovering from strokes, and many others for whom the addition of text - to - speech on the Kindle 2 promised for the first time easy, mainstream access to over 245,000 books.
You may not realize that your cat has lost its vision until you rearrange furniture or move the litter box.
Older dogs can develop sudden acquired retinal degeneration, in which they can lose vision overnight.
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