Sentences with phrase «to love family»

They taught me the value of a hard day's work, the thrill of reward that comes with great risk and the importance of having a loving family and great people behind you to catch you when you stumble.
By defining our Living Dream, tackling challenges such as our fears of money, seeking balance, loving our families, learning the fundamentals of building and growing a business, and finally accepting the challenge to do whatever it takes to create the life you want — you too, can find success.
Thankyou to his loving family for allowing us to share in his life.
I was immediately inspired by her energy and her obvious commitment to her loving family (most of whom were by her side).
On the other hand, I grew up as a straight white girl with a loving family in a town that appeared to be mostly other straight white people.
Most important, you deeply loved your family: your wife, Beth, your children Lexi, Jamie and Izzy, their spouses Justin and Jamie, and your two young grandchildren, Bobby and JoJo.
The truth is that the vast majority of dogs in the pit bull family are very well behaved and loving family pets.
I'll think of a man who loved his family, was generous to his friends and made the lives of all of us better.
He takes his children to church every week, loves his family, is faithful to his wife.
When I teach Aristophanes THE CLOUDS, I of course dwell on the part when the poet shows us that a guy who loves his family not about to listen to «the case for incest.»
Certainly in loving your family and friends you are doing as Christ commands.
I've also know very loving families who treat others like crap and with no love.
You don't have to be religious to love your family and friends.
I know GOD loves family, however, I've never grasped it in this simple form.
Yes, we ALL love our families.
She would talk about how much she loved her family and that that type of love could not die.
Love your family, love your neighbors - it's something everyone has the opportunity to do, and so sad to hear how many people feel, at the end, that they have missed that opportunity.
Yes, I do believe that the way we live our lives does show how we love, how we love our families, our selves, our «neighbors.»
And it does not matter which ethnic or religious background you come from — at the end you are surrounded by loved family members.
I have unforgettable memories of our last hours talking about how we loved our family and friends.
Love your family, love your friends and appreciate the day.
If speaking about how much I love my family is considered bad at any time in my life, then I guess I will have a big surprise waiting for me when I die.
By following Him, we can find peace at the end of this lifetime loving family members (believers or not) with the love of God weather they deserve it or not.
This all reminds me of the book of Job, of how he loved his family so, and how he tried to convert his first family to do the law, and be with YHWH, he wanted so badly for his sons, and daughters then to follow the law, and to live a better and righteous life but they were resistent, and wanted to do whatever they want.
Just because it's obvious to us that loving our family is a good thing and brings us happiness isn't a reason for putting value, purpose, and meaning on loving our family.
@ JJ... for those who have loving families, I concur.
Jesus hung out with the lowest in society and found a loving family of disciples that kings» would have killed for.
A loving family can never be taken for granted.
I too love my family and they are constantly on my mind and heart.
I love my family, but I also love my boyfriend, and I'm so thankful when I find fellow Christians who accept this part of me.
I hope you have a loving family.
That is, God must be the first love of our lives, and in the context of our love for God, Jesus is teaching, we love our families, friends (and enemies) and our neighbors.
What he does mean is that we must love our families less than we love God.
Then we learn to love our family & friends who love us back.
Every church in the country would probably describe themselves as a warm and loving family church.
I was raised by the fun - loving family known as a «narcissistic / borderline» couple.
The show stars Anderson as Andre Johnson, a well - off advertising executive with a large, loving family; a lot of feelings about life in the 21st century; and not enough people interested in hearing them.
They love their families and hope and dream of a better life for them.
For nearly a century, Catholic Charities has helped poor and neglected children (whether Catholic or not) to find homes with loving families ready to nurture them.
Ella (not her real name) was brought up in what she describes as a normal, middle class, loving family near Rotherham, Yorkshire.
We want to be real and we want love these families that have lost their loved ones,» Derek Swales, a school administrator, told KCAL, a CNN affiliate.
And if my cradle Catholic child, growing up in a loving family, got this message, then what does Catholic mean in more conservative homes?
They are, as her undoubtedly loving family said of her, «already dead.»
And how cruel to impose the burden of that lingering «existence» upon her loving family
Hopefully we all try to love ourselves, love our family, show care and consideration to people we meet daily and extend love there is opportunity.
Patients who have loving families will be first.
Not the loving committed long - term gay relationships that create loving families with children.
We are good people, we love our families, and our nation.
A new stage of devoted motherhood began, where all her commitment, creativity, religious and educational experience combined in creating a loving family home with a distinctly Christian ethos.
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