Sentences with phrase «to love someone to pieces»

My little guy is 4 years old and I absolutely love him to pieces!
He will be loved to pieces in his foster home until his heartworm treatment is completed.
She is still afraid of a lot of things, especially loud noises, but the progress she had made is amazing and I just love her to pieces!
We built our dream home 15 years ago and I still love it to pieces.
Don Juan, newly named «Whiskey» (because nothing ages better than whiskey) was adopted by a family who loved him to pieces and he has a large mass in a bad place.
Love him to pieces!!!
They're SO worth it though, love them to pieces!!!!
Having only ever played the first ZOE when it came out on PS2 and loving it to pieces when I was a kid, I was pumped for this the moment it
Early on, we had been praying for a family for Comerson - one that would not only love him to pieces, but also effectively manage his particular health issues.
Baby loves it to pieces... Check out our Finger Family video collection below:
You gals LOVED it to pieces and I've never received so many DM's on Instagram about anything I've worn before.
Its quick and easy to sew and a great play dress (which my girls love to pieces)
8:00 pm — TCM — Grease I guess I'd call Grease a guilty pleasure if I weren't trying to stop using that term — but even though it's overblown and frequently ridiculous, I can't help loving it to pieces.
We have a Boston Terrier and my boys love him to pieces.
We all missed out on what could have been a great addition to the SG - 1 story, and even though we're a generation past when it should have come out, and I have ten seasons worth of great episodes that I can and do rewatch fairly regularly I'd pick up The Alliance in a heartbeat and love it to pieces on my original Xbox if it were released tomorrow.
So beyond proud of you and thrilled FOR you and just love you to pieces even if now they are itty bitty pieces because!
Wow... how can you NOT love her to pieces!!
There he becomes involved with his stuffy, square relatives and neighbors (Arthur Kennedy and Martha Hyer), a charming gambler (Dean Martin), and an adoring party girl (Shirley MacLaine) who loves him to pieces.
Sure, it may be hard to tell what a newborn is thinking or feeling, and we know they can't just yet blurt out their immense love for us, but there are a ton of ways they show their love for us, so if you read the signs your newborn is displaying correctly, you can be certain that they absolutely love you to pieces!
I have had a Kenneth Cole one for over 5 years now and still love it to pieces.
darling girl how you can steal our hearts and make us all giggle... love you to pieces sweet child!!
Having only ever played the first ZOE when it came out on PS2 and loving it to pieces when I was a kid, I was pumped for this the moment it was announced.
They just gloss over that minor detail and love him to pieces because he is black and that's ALL they know!
Love it to pieces and I always loved that photo of you at the market — so happy to see that as your bio photo!
We love you to pieces.
I already have the paperback copy and love it to pieces!
You are so sweet, I love you to pieces and so glad we became such good friends < 3 Thank you for being an inspiration on my journey.
I love you to pieces.
I love it to pieces and typically eat my oatmeal this way each day with a bit of organic raisins and figs chopped in too.
Summer is upon us and we're loving it to pieces.
I just love her to pieces and was so lucky to have not only roomed with her at the SNAP Conference last year, but to get to have dinner with her during my recent trip to Florida!
(I also have a brother and I love him to pieces, but it's not the same.)
I love you to pieces and am so happy to call you friend.
This I love you to pieces Valentine's Day craft comes with a free printable, and is a beautiful gift to give the person you love!
I love her to pieces, spaciness and all.
We love them to pieces and they love us just the same.
My older daughter is 3 now and she's beautiful, smart, sweet as can be and loves me to pieces.
One brand is amazing and I love to pieces.
Love them to pieces.
Save that vigor for playing with the kiddos and loving them to pieces.
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