Sentences with phrase «to lynch someone»

The initiative's contribution to the show includes an interactive video display documenting (without the use of explicit photographs) thousands of lynchings of black Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Things quickly get out of control as the lie starts to have adverse effects with a backlash of lynch mob proportions.
Rounding out the Social Realist offerings in a section of the show called «Fighting With All Our Might,» on the seventh floor, are several drawings of lynchings by artists including Paul Cadmus, Harry Sternberg, and Abraham Jacobs.
The scene was familiar in Southern states but it was the first mob lynching in Minnesota.
Aside from the torturous performance by Blake Lively who plays the girlfriend of the growers and unfortunate lynch pin of the film, the performances here are better than I expected.
Like Wells, I wanted Ivoe's journalism to have purpose, but felt I could not write about lynching for my own mental health.
Later, as Union soldiers, Thomas and John endure a ghastly battle in Virginia, are held prisoner in Georgia, and see a row of lynched blacks while traveling to Tennessee.
«Black Christians believed that just knowing that Jesus went through an experience of suffering in a manner similar to theirs gave them faith that God was with them, even in suffering on lynching trees just as God was present with Jesus in suffering on the cross.»
This week, highlights include plans for a memorial to lynching victims in Montgomery, Ala.; expansion of Alvin Ailey Dance Theater's New York headquarters; and news that an outdoor installation of whimsically painted abandoned homes in...
She was singing about lynch mobs.
The end of the cattle drive brings trouble as trigger - happy cowmen pour into Dodge City, keeping the local law busy with lynch mobs and outlaws.
Last July, in separate trials, Iverson, Simmons and Wynn were convicted in circuit court as adults of «maiming by mob,» a matter of surpassing irony given that the seldom - invoked law had mainly been used to prevent Klansmen from lynching blacks.
But that's none of my business tho, the last time I shared my thoughts about this topic on n4g, I almost got lynched by a mob whom played the game on ps4 and have witnessed the greatness.
«The reality is that this has been a political lynching of a decent man — undermined, humiliated, attacked in order to push him out.
The military officer was not in uniform when the incident happened as he is even said to have pleaded to the mob not lynch him indicating that he was an army officer and not a criminal but his plea was not taken by the mob who hit him with several objects including cement blocks.
In Walker's version, a naked lynched man with an erection straddles a rearing horse at the work's center.
I'm sure that the KKK saw burning crosses and lynching people as just part of their job as «educators» too.
The new lynching memorial confronts the racial terrorism that corrupted America — and still does.
These historical subjects include the cultural campaigns for women's suffrage and against lynching in America, women as subjects and makers of Soviet propaganda, Tina Modotti's socialist photography in Mexico, and the government - sponsored Living Newspaper productions of the Federal Theatre Project.
Peter lynch understands the worth of the asset plays.
Additionally, AZ's Tracking Ida, recipient of the Best Gameplay award, educates players on Ida B. Wells's investigative journalism surrounding lynching during the 1890s.
The first was his own Officer Nanka Bruse who was attacked in the office of the President, the flagstaff house, this officer was nearly lynched by Npp invisible forces and the video evidence was widely circulated but the IGP has refused to even comment on it.
EJI has documented over 4000 racial terror lynchings in the United States between the Civil War and World War II.
Many lynchings took place in the light of day, and often a town's most well - regarded white citizens were involved.
Systemic racism is manifested through the curricular decision — made by school boards and academic councils — not to include lynching in many U.S. history textbooks despite its prevalence.
In a blog post up now on the New York Times Learning Network, Facing History and Ourselves Senior Program Associate Laura Tavares pairs an article about the recent report documenting the history of racial lynching in America with an excerpt of To Kill a Mockingbird
Between 1920 and 1938, the NAACP flew a flag outside its headquarters on Fifth Avenue in New York City reading, «A man was lynched yesterday
According to autopsy conducted on the late army commander, his assailants shot him twice before lynching him.
The Member of Parliament for the Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency, Emmanuel Agyarko, is of the view that the persons who lynched the late military officer, Captain Maxwell Adam Mahama, might have acted under the influence of alcohol or Indian hemp.
The film isn't set in a definitive year, though it seems to be in a time where lynching and protesting were out of style, and casual racism has become the norm.
The whole media lynch mob thing just distracted us from a thoughtful discussion of the issues.
Unless the people are convinced that the law will do its job — including hanging men who deserve it — they will keep taking the law into their own hands and there will be more lynch mobs like the one that tried to kill Cooper.
And I have defended due process for years and have several public rants about the social media age and online lynch mobs setting a scary precedent - but hey just like Rueben you already know me, my intentions and my history - you are a rocket scientist.
In Dollscape II, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, and a brown - skinned, egg - shaped Weeble toy were running (and wobbling) through a swampy thicket from a pack of plastic German shepherds leading an armed lynch party comprised of my G.I. Joes hooded in Ku Klux Klan sheets.
With no attention whatsoever to how good an idea this is or isn't, Botts would literally get lynched if this trade happened.
(ed: this was the game in which Graham Poll came close to being lynched after sending off Ray Parlour for two bookables and handing the game to Newcastle late on with a disgraceful penalty decision; it still makes my blood boil thinking about it).
During our conversation, he spent more time decrying rioting and calling for calm and prayer than lamenting the modern - day lynching by law enforcement of innocent black bodies that are piling up across the nation.
Contributed by Sharon Butler / In 1955, two white men brutally lynched Emmet Till, a black 14 - year - old boy from Chicago who was visiting relatives in their Mississippi town.
Ken Agyapong, a known wild character of the NPP, had declared in the buildup to the 2016 elections that the NPP would lynch soldiers because he believed personnel from the Military had plans to rig the elections for the then ruling National Democratic Congress.
Hi, I'm a retired Financial analyst from Merrill lynch who is looking for a nice person to spend the rest of my life with.
But in this ever - shifting digital world, how do we draw the line between the rule of law, and a digital lynch mob?
Dana Schutz's painting «Open Casket,» showing the mutilated corpse of Emmett Till, an African - American teenager lynched in Mississippi in 1955, is on display at the Whitney Biennial in New York.
Next spring EJI will open a six - acre memorial in Montgomery, Alabama, to honor the lives of more than 4,000 African - American lynched from 1877 to 1950 — whose names will be engraved on a series of columns.
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