Sentences with phrase «to maintain one's sanity»

I don't know what to do to help maintain my sanity.
Staying as stress - free as possible is essential for maintaining your sanity in the short term, but it may also be important to your long - term brain function.
How do you tell your friends and family that you need your privacy and to maintain your sanity during the first weeks after the baby is born without being rude?
That is, you might be able to lose faster while losing less muscle mass and maintaining your sanity by taking intermittent breaks from your diet.
A mentor can help you take a step back and offer a chance to focus on you as an individual, which is essential for maintaining your sanity and your company's successful growth.
The following tips can help stay - at - home moms maintain some sanity and stress relief in their active lives.
I think I'm going to adopt the «take it day by day» method and just work on maintaining my sanity, lol.
Taking small breaks from the big group setting will help everyone maintain their sanity.
One of those great activities that burns a ton of calories quickly, helps you get in shape fast, and does a great job at maintaining sanity.
It's not just about proving it to your leaders it's also about maintaining your sanity.
Having a solid plan in place while being prepared to adjust course are keys to maintaining your sanity when expanding or debuting a pet store's service offerings.
And though he loved the time with our daughter, trying to maintain sanity in tiny hotel rooms with a baby wasn't exactly easy for my husband either.
It's the creative outlet for my scientific mind and helps maintain my sanity.
Areas that have been dedicated to automobile traffic will be converted back to green spaces, which can be credited for maintaining sanity and defeating inequality.
Yep, in the name of maintaining my sanity (and saving our electric bill), this month, for the whole month (or at least what's left of it), I'm turning off the oven.
Whatever the species, the best prepared caregivers maintain their sanity with baby - proofed play spaces, plenty of toys and activities, and careful socialization.
But I know this, my wife and I are maintaining our sanity because of the power of the Holy Spirit.
For example, I still haven't figured out how to discipline without ANY punishment and still maintain my sanity and my child's safety.
Brian is working on some projects here but also still works with his stuff back in Indy, anyway he's as busy as busy can be and I just go along, trying to adapt and raise my troupe while working hard to maintain my sanity!!
The storming of the fortified beaches of Normandy is an entropic nightmare, a vision of chaos and carnage in which Allied infantry managed to not only maintain their sanity with the very real possibility of being killed at a moment's notice, but also successfully break through enemy lines and punch a major hole into Nazi - occupied France.
Doing their best to support their friends while protecting their relationship with their adult son (Oliver Maltman), the couple maintains their sanity by nurturing a garden in a community plot.
The discovery, news, supplies, community, quiet, teacher, and subject area zones will help you establish routines, save time, and maintain your sanity from the first through the last days of school.
You are evidence of your mother's strength, especially if you are a rebellious knucklehead and regardless she has always maintained her sanity.
To maintain sanity between submissions, most would - be authors should be writing, and that's largely what I've been doing — except recently — I worked with an artist to mock up what a book cover might look like for one of the above submissions.
You must guide your crew through disasters, food shortages, and the unforgiving nature of space — all while maintaining your sanity amidst cryptic signals and warnings from Mars.
Worked towards maintaining the sanity of the SAP MM area by giving suggestions for improvement and also looking into the various issues that client face in the SAP MM
Selling our SFR and purchasing MFR to house hack at the same time all while partially maintaining sanity!
The struggle to please everyone while maintaining your sanity in the postpartum...
I just wanted to share with other perfectly imperfect parents all the strategies that I have been finding over the last few years that are working for me and my family to help maintain sanity while trying to raise an emotionally healthy and happy child.
There are also books on living a writer's life while maintaining your sanity, or setting goals for yourself, or how to market your work once it's published.
Chloe also maintains her sanity by spending time with her boys — h
The following tips can help working moms maintain some sanity and stress relief in their busy lives: (See this article if you're a stay - at - home mom.)
Must - read posts: 23 Exceedingly Helpful Tips For Maintaining Your Sanity While Living With Children & 16 Things I've Learned About Being a Mother
Tempers flaring and it is difficult to maintain your sanity with the fact that we decided to paint the entire house.
For the sake of maintaining sanity (and saving my electric bill), this month, for the whole month, I'm turning off the oven.
If Kelly can laugh through adversity, surely we can too, and borrowing some of his tricks for maintaining his sanity can surely help.
I needed to let a few things go if I wanted to work full - time and maintain my sanity.
• Quick and easy tips that will make your mornings run more smoothly • Get the kids out the door happily - while maintaining your sanity • Less nagging - more hugging!
Although, according to Keen, we can not claim any sure knowledge of God, theology can nevertheless use the word God to serve an indispensable function 36 We need to remain hopeful if we are to maintain our sanity, Keen asserts.37 Thus the idea of God can function to unify our needful affirmations about this unknown source - affirmations of «the trustworthiness of the mystery which surrounds [our] existence.»
The question of how one maintains sanity in a society bent on inhuman oppression based on race is a matter that must be faced before one can find health and wholeness as a person within a community of persons.
Forgiveness makes it possible for me to continue to live my life, to maintain my sanity.
Just like Kim said, you need detachment sometimes to maintain your sanity and then get back on the game when you are ready.
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