Sentences with phrase «to make a pitch»

The phrase "to make a pitch" means to present or promote an idea, product, or service to convince someone to buy or support it. Full definition
In making a pitch for flexibility in the workplace, it's essential that you have a strategy for making your plea.
So, a little bit of planning can help greatly in making the pitch.
The most exciting part: the company asked cities around the country to make a pitch as to why they would qualify as the perfect home.
When making a pitch to them, it's important for a representative to be focused and respectful of the retailer's time.
It seems as though many people have no limits anymore for making pitches on the Internet.
But double - check before making a pitch for the seller's business.
To your point, this approach makes the pitch more relevant because it ties the product to how the potential customer does his or her job.
What reporters want and need, how this differs from one publication or outlet to the next and what makes a pitch into something a reporter can actually use.
That's assuming you can get your foot in the door to make your pitch at all.
In this period of peak startup funding — and competition for capital, don't make the pitch mistakes I did.
If you're selling something at the end of your webinar, make your pitch with confidence.
The summary statement sticks to three sentences, or sentence fragments, using the correct amount of space to quickly make a pitch about her qualifications.
Don't forget to communicate your passion for your product or service, which will help make your pitch memorable.
Like every company making a pitch, we'll tell that tale in about 20 slides and 20 minutes.
There is a fine line between perfection and going over the top while making your pitch to the recruiters.
Now she feels ugly and alone and she has all these little dark sides constantly making her pitch a fit and get all red - faced and mean.
They have likely been «burned» by people making a pitch for being hired, using informational interviews as the «cover» for their job pitch.
To making your pitch memorable, get your participant involved in a dialogue.
When a sales professional makes a pitch 100 percent about the customer's needs, that customer is far more likely to respond.
She is obviously making a pitch for those «values voters».
Editors are notorious for sitting on ideas for months on end, so make your pitches time - sensitive by giving editors a reason they need to publish your work now.
They get pitched around the clock every single day with generic requests — make your pitch completely personalized and tailored specifically around them and the publication they work for.
Among the worst mistakes you can make pitching investors is not anticipating the fundamental questions they will want answered.
There are things you can do however to make your pitch go down easier, or let's be honest, simply get noticed.
Make your pitches personal, specific to the journalist or publisher you're pitching and your response rates shoot way up.
So you must make the pitch short and to the point, and make sure it showcases your knowledge.
The conditions are making the pitch slippery and the crowd has gone quiet too.
I realized how much this training had helped me when I went to a customer meeting and made a pitch regarding this product.
At smaller breakout sessions, education enterprises made their pitches to potential investors.
Want help to make your pitch materials for literary agents as good as they can be?
On a website: On your book - buying web page, make the pitch line the opening statement followed by the rest of your differentiation message.
The creators make their pitch directly to the customers, everything has a handmade feel to it, and prices are higher than in mass - market venues.
Pay attention to what makes your audiences different, and think about how this should make your pitches different.
Contact the group organizer and make your pitch describing what your book is about and why it would be a good fit for the club.
Another factor was their aggressive distribution; if I had any suggestion for a place that might carry the coloring book their marketing person was on the phone making a pitch.
The credit card rep was going through his usual money making pitches: credit monitoring service?
Be sure to make your pitches customized for each particular business or blog.
(In fact, exactly this happened, as every department made a pitch for why they needed new security funds).
You must make your pitch across the potential employers through your resume alone.
It may seem rather appealing to simply make your pitch in the comments section, but to the average recruiter, this appears to be quite unprofessional.
Effectively, this method makes a pitch in an extremely low - pressure way and does so regularly to many different people.
As a seller's agent, why would I let the buyer's representative make a pitch to my client?
They discussed the importance of practicing with «the least important pitches first,» telling a great story and researching your audience to make your pitch more relevant.
Make your pitch about a topic, not about your company.
Just a small, thoughtful addition like that will make your pitch stand out amidst the thousands of other pitches they've gotten that week.
Click here to see the seven key components to help make yours pitch - perfect.
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