Sentences with phrase «to make an awesome game»

They took their time and made an awesome game for a soon to be phased out console.
Some unacceptable decisions were made and we ended up with the idea to continue our journey in the game industry only and keep making awesome games.
After all is said and done, these are just small things that could be improved to make an awesome game even better.
So I was sat in the middle of a 200 man company just getting really jealous of these indie companies of like one or two people making these awesome games.
I love the story in the MW games, and the depth of the story coupled with characters you actually care about make them awesome games.
That's all we really want to do — make awesome games for you.
This space would also make an awesome game room, bar area, theater room or
«I have one foot in casino and one foot in gaming now, so my time making awesome games at Rockstar, EA, Activision, etc., all led to crafting innovative and fun new games that happen to involve gambling,» Darion says.
Rockstar make awesome games, and, rightly so, they're going to make their own interpretation of Max Payne and it's not going to be a Remedy game.
But enough about the expinations this game does lack alittle in physics but it's coverage of cars and different types of races make it an awesome game to any initial d fan.
I will be writing this article of game ideas on a bi-weekly basis giving ideas of what I feel would make an awesome game idea that could showcase some of what is possible on the Wii U. Thank you for your time.
i whish bend studios would make a PS3 title, u guys make awesome games.
Armed with a creative eye and a natural talent for producing and shipping projects, Kim got a post-grad degree in Game Design and has been making awesome games ever since!
He's got a brilliant mind and has made some awesome games regardless, but he does get overambitious and talks too excitedly too early.
If you've got the money, that professional PR group will not only spread your game far and wide, their efforts will also help clear up your calendar so you can focus on making an awesome game instead of marketing.
He had worked for various development teams before joining Unity as a Field Engineer and is now helping developers make awesome games with Unity.
Yea, and having a chunk of modders making awesome games using it makes the engine look even better to other developers.
So next time someone tells you their awesome new mobile game with a budget of millions of dollars and a staff of forty people, you tell them to shut up because Vector Unit makes awesome games and the whole company fits inside a Smart Car (almost).
If you ask me, I think this will be one big reason to buy an Xbox One, we'll see and know more in a few weeks but Platinum Games makes awesome games and the concept behind this is epic.
We go back and make awesome games in 2d the way they were supposed to be made!
I'm a support - class game dev, helping creative teams make awesome games by getting everything organized and removing hurdles so they can do what they do best: programming, designing, modelling, writing... Also an eternal expatriate, an avid history buff and a passionate horseback rider.
Remember when Rare made awesome games, like Banjo - Kazooie?
Keep making awesome games and enjoy the money I will keep tossing at your: D
But after the StarFox collaboration with Platinum (who also makes awesome games) I can't help but miss a time when Nintendo games were actually made by Nintendo.
I hope they are making some awesome games.
If they made an awesome game, it would be another 2014 release, and people would be raging.
iPhone developers have made some awesome games that use the phone's motion sensor and multi-touch screen as controls.
I'm sure that most people will read this and think «Awesome, because they make awesome games
What we want is to make awesome games and to do that we need resources.
Therefore we have decided to focus more on work - for - hire jobs, as this will hopefully help get us get to a point where we can make awesome games.
Thomas did far better than you would expect a game of that budget to do which meant I had a bit more money and I was like you know, I could get a house or I could make an awesome game.
Thanks for making awesome games.
We wouldn't be making these awesome games, without you.
I have a great deal of faith in Retro to make an awesome game, because that's what they do.
We're asking for the minimum amount to make an awesome game, and the game's scope will grow based on the amount of total backing we receive.
Keep making awesome games!
For more awesome indies, check out our awesome IGOTM for December 2016, see all the indie games coming to the PS4 next year that were announced during PSX 2016: Day 1, and see which Studio Ghibli movies would make awesome games.
From the very beginning, my goal was to make awesome games that will rule the world (Muahaha!!).
Your experience in strategy is unmatched, and with you on our side, we'll win (and make an awesome game) for a fact.
We've got a growing, vibrant dev community full of brilliant and generally balanced people who are experts at making awesome games.
They make awesome games such as The Witcher, they run an awesome, DRM - free online, retro - resurrection shop called GOG, and they're renowned for being awesome to their communities and their consumers.
These things could have been patched into Bug Princess 2, but Cave has apparently decided that making awesome games is secondary to milking their fans for cash.
GOATi Entertainment knows what it takes to deliver at the highest quality and, above all, make awesome games.
Not acceptable to make a awesome game and then load it up with greedy MT and lootcrates..
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