Sentences with phrase «to make biofuels»

Environmental groups, worried about the sources of new fuels, rejected proposals to make biofuels out of trees.
This takes them closer to creating microorganisms with synthetic genomes that are purpose built to carry out specific roles, such as making biofuels or hydrogen.
That, in turn, could obviate the need for making biofuels from corn, sugar, and other food crops and thereby reduce the need for using prime agricultural land to grow biofuels.
The partners aim to develop a process for making biofuel from forestry waste at a production cost down to $ 2 per gallon, a price competitive... Read more →
PULLMAN, Wash. — Alyssa Hensley, who will graduate with a doctoral degree this month from Washington State University, recently received a national award so she could present her research about making biofuels more reliable.
As a result, it is now possible to manufacture genetically modified fungi that produce the necessary enzymes fully independently, thus making biofuel production significantly cheaper.
Initially, the biofuel will be blended at a ratio of 30 percent for San Francisco - bound flights, but then will be mixed into the fuel delivered underground to all United planes, a crucial step in making biofuel use economical.
Via::: NY Times and:: NY Times More on Airlines EU To Regulate Emissions From Airlines AIrlines Save Gas By Slowing Down, Just Like Drivers Airlines Cut Flights and Planes to Save Fuel Japan Airlines to Make Biofuel Test Flight
Algae could be grown for the purposes of making biofuel, which would virtually eliminate competition with food.
The startup has partnered with a Carson City, Nevada - based company called Algae Systems to make biofuels using carbon dioxide and algae.
The sugars that are part of these cell walls can't be accessed and fermented to make biofuels unless the walls are broken down by agents like CAZymes.
And even though biofuels release carbon dioxide when they are burned, the organisms they are made from draw an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from the air — making biofuels essentially carbon - neutral.
BANGALORE, India — In the ongoing hunt for alternative fuel sources that are also cost - effective, researchers are looking into making biofuel from genetically engineered diatoms, a type of single - celled algae with shells made of glasslike silica.
One of the big reasons that levels of hunger have started to grow again is the impact of climate change — variable weather means variable harvests whereas programs to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of cars have ended up taking away food to make biofuels like ethanol.
«We're not saying don't make biofuels, we're saying let's be careful, and let's look at these 25 [species] first,» Gordon said.
PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University researchers have developed a new catalyst that could lead to making biofuels cheaply and more efficiently.
For example, it has the potential, though it's still very early, to extract more energy from biomass when making biofuels, Peters said.
Via Reuters, CNet Biofuels U.N. Study: Scrapping Fuel Subsidies Can Help Fight Global Warming and Boost World Economy Lotus Makes Biofuel - Powered «Concept Ice Vehicle» for Antarctica Expedition Solazyme: Millions of Gallons of Algae Biodiesel Within 3 Years 15 Algae Biofuels Startups to Watch
Both large agricultural firms and wealthy, leftist political donors, such as the likes of Gore and Soros, need the huge subsidies to make their biofuel investments profitable.
A genetically modified strain of common gut bacteria may lead to a new technology for making biofuels that does not compete with food crops for arable acreage
Importantly, insights about how to produce plant molecules in animal cells could also one day enable production of other molecules that can lead to the cultivation of plants that do not need fertilizer and make biofuel production more efficient.
Scientists believe that some stover shouldremain in the field to prevent soil erosion, but that still leaves about 40 to 50percent to be used in making biofuels.
via:: Reuters Aviation Lufthansa to Increase Use of Biofuels in its Fleet, Slowly Japan Airlines to Make Biofuel Test Flight Virgin Atlantic Testing Biofuel on Jumbo Jet
Now, that intern reflects on why the mayor tried so hard to keep secret emails that turned out to be innocuous In November 2010, I was earning $ 300 a week for The Village Voice, blogging about unemployed actors who moonlit as bed bug exterminators and a city project to make biofuel out of toilet water.
Enzymes cost about 50 cents per gallon of ethanol, so recycling or using fewer enzymes would make biofuels more inexpensive.
Making biofuels from plants brings opportunities and challenges, according to Dr. Tim Donohue, Director of the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, one of three U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Research Centers.
No additional enzymes are needed, potentially eliminating a costly part of making biofuel.
«This oil also has similar properties to current feed stocks used to make biofuels.
«The study says it will be very hard to make a biofuel that has a better greenhouse gas impact than gasoline using corn residue,» which puts it in the same boat as corn - based ethanol, said David Tilman, a professor at the University of Minnesota who has done research on biofuels» emissions from the farm to the tailpipe.
The research is among the first to attempt to quantify, over 12 Corn Belt states, how much carbon is lost to the atmosphere when the stalks, leaves and cobs that make up residue are removed and used to make biofuel, instead of left to naturally replenish the soil with carbon.
► Sixteen - year - old Sophia Sánchez - Maes won a spot at Monday's White House science fair by pioneering a new process for using algae to make biofuels.
It is UOP's research and development folks who've lent me the Audi full of green diesel in the hopes of demonstrating that it is indeed possible to make a biofuel that results in lower emissions, lower carbon footprint, and lower cost — all while behaving like a wild explosive inside your engine.
Unlike Neste, several companies that have tried to make biofuels have crashed into bankruptcy.
But if oil prices rise enough for algae fuels to be cost effective, scientists hope to use what they've learned from that process to make biofuels that are both clean and profitable.
For example, scientists with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography figured out how to curb an enzyme that breaks down the lipids in algae that are crucial for making biofuel.
Stephen Mayfield of the University of California, San Diego has genetically engineered algae to make biofuels.
The simplest way to make biofuel from algae is to essentially wring out the natural oils and refine them, much like petroleum.
Guelph researchers are studying how to make biofuels from farm waste, especially «wet» waste that is typically difficult to use.
«But we believe we should be making biofuels and replacing petroleum, and it's not good policy in our mind to only worry about fuel supplies based on the price of oil.
By determining the most resilient algae strains and best practices for algae farming, Sandia and its partner labs may one day enable farmers to produce enough algae to make biofuels a real competitor at the pump.
One of the biggest challenges in breaking down biomass into useful chemicals suitable for making biofuels is finding ways to selectively depolymerise lignocellulosic biomass into its monomers: glucose, xylose and lignin.
The evolution of the ability to break down a plant's protective lignin largely stopped the geologic burial of carbon that formed present - day coal deposits — and may provide secrets to making biofuels from inedible parts of plants
However, that lignin needs to be extracted in order to reach the energy - rich cellulose that is used to make biofuels.
Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a simple, effective and relatively inexpensive technique for removing lignin from the plant material used to make biofuels, which may drive down the cost of biofuel production.
On paper, making biofuels from switchgrass and other perennials that need not be replanted seems like a no - brainer.
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