Sentences with phrase «to make different decisions»

Of course, anybody who wants to come in who's dating and maybe make a different decision in their lives and find that right life partner.
If you could steer the course of your business by simply making a different decision about what hangs on the walls, why wouldn't you?
Your points are entirely valid, even people make different decisions from what you recommend.
There are stages in parenting in which making different decisions from your friends can make it hard to be around each other.
Our judgments of others who make different decisions are also a function of self - justification.
Even though we've made different decisions based on different family dynamics, your posts about tandem nursing have helped me.
With scenario - based learning, your learners might work through a sales scenario from start to finish, making different decisions along the way.
I grew up on his movies, and they have informed me as an artist, and I can not change that fact now, but I can make different decisions moving forward.
If we can save the most lives simply by making different decisions, why were so many smart people wasting their time with discoveries?
That is, it is hard to follow for people * who would make different decisions when writing the code *.
So commit to giving your decision six months or a year to truly test it out and know that if it turns out wrong, you can make a different decision later.
With the other, I feel like I would have been better off making a different decision.
We recognize that they were operating to the best of their knowledge at the time and we move forward making different decisions for our own kids based on what we now know.
But we can always consider making different decisions to put ourselves first.
On top of that, there isn't any replay value besides playing it through with every character and making a different decision between a couple stages.
People make different decisions regarding their work, for different reasons.
Do teachers make different decisions about staying or leaving their jobs based on how that might affect their retirement?
• The panelists consulted in each state make different decisions about how resources should be deployed.
In fact, they could all happen at the same time, as different states and districts make different decisions.
Or possibly make different decisions in the game and see where it leads you?
However, when the jury was forced to weigh the evidence, it leads each individual jury member making a different decision.
It shouldn't surprise you that hiring managers make different decisions on who to interview / hire while employers use different hiring processes when responding to these job market changes.
We help people learn the skills and make different decisions in relationships.
In one instance, both teachers used videos for assessment but made different decisions about how to do so based upon the unique characteristics of their students.
It is also an easy platinum trophy as you just need to play the game twice and make some different decisions along the way.
We have no need to attack those who make a different decision.
Mothers, especially, examine their lives since the day they became pregnant — wondering if they could have changed the outcome by making different decisions or if their circumstances had been different.
If you want to become somebody else then start making some different decisions, and whittle yourself like some sort of perpetually shifting sculpture into who you want to be.
My best AP friend and I may have ultimately made different decisions about which vaccinations our kids would receive — or whether they'd receive them at all — but both were made after careful consideration of our individual children and circumstances and with all the information we could reasonably collect.
Go back and play PoE 1 with a brand new character, make different decisions there and see how your decisions in the first game affect the world in PoE 2.
In often excruciating detail, she explains how people of different faiths make different decisions about these matters.
Parenthood is emotionally ridden, because everyone cares so much about their babies — so sometimes it can seems as if, when another mom makes a different decision from you, you are at odds.
If someone makes a different decision than you, that doesn't invalidate your choice.
THEN provide the information that you find helpful in understanding why maybe making a different decision would be wise.
Dozens of House Democrats made a different decision, though, opting to stay home in honor of Rep. John Lewis, D - Ga.
This experiment revealed that, by «playing back» the patterns of dopamine release observed in the first set of rats (when they were pondering which choice to make), the researchers could bias them toward making different decisions in the future.
You may want to make different decisions around food — yet your brain sabotages your efforts without your even knowing it.
The cosmic event has dropped the eight into a scenario where they can walk into different realities, wherein they can encounter different versions of themselves, who have made different decisions over the course of this apparently quite fateful night.
Unfortunately, Motorola made a different decision, largely because it was releasing a «me too» product in what was going to become a crowded market, and as a result, we have the Xoom launching without the ability to view its own Flash - enabled website, making this the most pathetic tablet launch in the brief history of tablet launches.
With our help and that added understanding and clarity between you two, we find couples can often make different decisions at home, treat each other better, and find a happier life.We also teach a lot of skills and tools that are necessary to learn how to communicate better.
«There are very different communities all around LA, and they do make different decisions based on what's going on there.
Anita McBride, chief of staff to Laura Bush during her time in the White House, noted that Michelle Obama also weighed delaying her family's move for similar reasons, but «ultimately made a different decision and one that suited their family.»
The findings can help explain why snap judgements about morality tend to be based on a set of absolute moral rules (such as «don't kill innocent people»), even if we might make different decisions when given more time.
«I think if they had not done that the judge might have been inclined to make a different decision there, but I think they really undermined themselves by trying to pull it out.»
We all want the best for every mum and bub... every woman has had (or will have) different experiences, and will make different decisions based on that.
If you simply need to see it all, making different decisions along the way will change the game somewhat, but really only in the live action aspects of it.
«We need strength in leadership and we need to make different decisions in how we want the legislative body to look going forward.»
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