Sentences with phrase «to make good parents»

There would then be more purposeful parenthood, more children ready for school when they enroll, and, later on, better - educated young adults making better parenting decisions of their own.
Role theory argues the greater the perceived consensus between spouses on the expectations of what makes a good parent reduces the likelihood of experiencing role strain.
And as my children grow and parenting them becomes more complex, I find that working outside of the home helps make me a better parent.
Couples in marriage counseling tell me that working on their relationship often makes them better parents as well.
Again, it may not be what you'd choose, but... MORE time to yourself can also make you a better parent.
Positive parenting will make a better parent of you, but you can't be perfect.
And sometimes it even makes us better parents, because we're not falling apart at the seams.
Being a happy, fulfilled, and yes, grateful adult makes you a better parent.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: vodka makes me a better parent.
But after I read this post I realized that it just makes me a better parent.
I think me time makes us better parents as we come back to our kids feeling happier with more energy.
Modern life can make good parenting seem more complicated than it has to be.
We are all trying to do our best and support goes a lot farther toward making better parents than criticism.
There are certain qualities which make good parents or good parrot owners.
If you are planning to start a family, remember that first owning a dog can make you a better parent later on... an invaluable experience!
In these states, the court reasons that the custodial parent has the right to relocate and is presumably making the best parenting decision.
In fact, divorce actually makes better parents out of moms and dads and here's how some did it.
Does having more money and life experience really make you a better parent?
You will make the best parents ever — when your time comes!
I hope you enjoyed this parenting article about what makes a good parent and what I think are some good parenting skills.
Children, who have had good parenting, also make good parents themselves and have positive relationships with their children.
They can foster leadership skills, improve creative thinking, help you lose weight or even make you a better parent.
However, only feeding, water and housing them doesn't make them good parents!!
If no one cared, if everyone was confident that they are making the best parenting choices for their children and if they refuse to let themselves be judged by others, the Mommy Wars would be non-existent.
When my friends and I were in round one of having babies, we were concerned about the safest car seat, which baby carrier was the most streamlined, and which books would make us the best parents in history.
Best practices make better parenting classes According to «Parent Education to Strengthen Families and Reduce the Risk of Maltreatment,» a 2013 publication of the US Department of Health and Human Services,
Best practices make better parenting classes According to «Parent Education to Strengthen Families and Reduce the Risk of Maltreatment,» a 2013 publication of the US Department of Health and Human Services,
One reason young parents choose organics is the belief that doing so makes them a better parent.
If daycare is better for children than staying home with Mommy, this means that total strangers make better parents than the child's natural parents!
The humanistic, pleasure - seeking, materialistic society in which we live today repeatedly broadcasts the messages that women need to find fulfillment and financial independence in the workplace and that paid caregivers make better parents than a child's own mother.
So my cloth diapering posts were meant primarily to introduce the different ways of cloth diapering to people who were curious about it, but also to dispel the myth that cloth diapering automatically makes you a better parent.
#BigTopBlogParty Mike Smith Sunshine Dad recently posted... A 2nd Child Makes You a Better Parent
In honor of Mother's Day, I asked six rock - star yogi - mamas how yoga makes them a better parent.
However, many mother dogs become better moms as they gain more experience (multiparous females) even though one must consider that older mother dogs at times don't make the best parents either.
Research has shown that mothers with depression who participated in interpersonal psychotherapy became better at reading and understanding their toddler's temperament, essentially making them better parents, while the toddlers became less fussy and angry, making them easier to parent.
The Supreme Court of Canada has noted in cases such as Young v. Young, [1993] 4 SCR 3, 1993 CanLII 34 (SCC), to not make presumptions about whether a mother or father inherently makes a better parent, Ludmer says.
Just remember that you shouldn't equate ease with value when you're a mother — it's the hard and difficult parts of it all that help make you the best parent you can be.
Tune the criticism out, even when you're feeling judged by others, and rest assured that you're making the best parenting choices possible for your family.
If you want to read more about good parenting skills, you can read this article on what makes a good parent!
I want to start out by saying that using cloth diapers doesn't make you a better parent, and using disposibles doesn't make you a worse parent.
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