Sentences with phrase «to make home visits»

We do whatever we can to accommodate our many clients and our attorneys frequently make home visits if traveling is difficult for our clients.
Pharmacy technicians will commonly work with doctors, nurses and medical assistants who make home visits.
Second, the lead teacher makes a home visit a few days prior to the scheduled start so that your child can experience her in the comfort and familiarity of family environment.
Some veterinarians will also make a home visit, so your pet can spend those final moments in a comfortable, familiar environment.
A lot of lactation consultants will even make home visits.
Examples of promising strategies include making home visits to families of chronically absent students, providing nurse home visits to children with asthma, and providing school buses to transport young students to school.
During the waiting period, an agency or court - appointed worker makes home visits to assess the adjustment of the parents and child.
We are always looking for more sites that need our special type of therapy, but we do not make home visits.
Recent research suggests specific ways to make home visiting more effective and observational tools have now been developed to identify and support effective practices.
It should be clear from a program's theory of change why practitioners make home visits and what they are expected to do to make changes happen for parents and children.
The decision to have one of his trained lactation consultants make a home visit was what contributed most to a very different scenario than the first time.
To make home visits manageable, I only visited the homes of the four to five ninth graders who were new to my advisory class.
Our registered nurses make home visits to provide health - care assessments, education and positive parenting skills in effort to prevent infant mortality and child abuse / neglect.
Additional funding could make home visiting universal, advocates say.
Encourage the teacher to make a home visit if the school doesn't routinely do it.
Some groups may even make a home visit to check out the yard and living space.
We even hesitate to pray during hospital visits — how much more so when making home visits (unless, or perhaps even when, a crisis occurs).
Many credit the success of Chicago's preschool program to the small class sizes, teacher aides, and high parent involvement — parents are required to spend time in their child's classroom, and staff members often make home visits.
They say some board members are making it nearly impossible to adopt pets by adding unrealistic prerequisites, such as making home visits prior to the adoptions.
She shares suggestions for making home visits work logistically in high schools.
The Strong Foundations initiative helped make home visiting an integral part of Illinois» early childhood system.
Child First, on the other hand, works to stabilize the family environment by making home visits to the families of at - risk children.
When changing such troubling habits raises objections, it's clear why it took several years to end open campus at lunch, require uniforms, have teachers greet each student with a handshake, make home visits routine, and place administrators beyond the school's gates so students could safely walk to catch city buses.
Farr approvingly cites the testimony of two teachers who were unable to make contact with their students» parents over the phone: «We would just start taking kids home, and we would wait at home until the parent came home, and we would just make home visits constantly,» recalls the unnamed TFAer.
-LSB-...] Home Visits Yield Hope and Cooperation is from the NEA Priority Schools Campaign, and is a very good story on teachers making home visits with help from the Parent Teacher Home Visit Project.
Tomasello and Suarez want families to consider Van Ness Elementary School in gentrifying southeast Washington, D.C., one of the city's most diverse schools, where the principal and teachers now make home visits to ensure students from low - income families feel welcome alongside more well - to - do - classmates.
While we all do things a little differently, we follow core practices, aka the five non-negotiables, that make our home visits high - impact, sustainable and successful.
Here's how the PTHVP works: Educators are trained (and compensated) to make the home visits in teams of two.
Making home visiting available to at - risk families is a key strategy in Washington's 10 - year Early Learning Plan.
But, it's important to remember technology enhances home visiting and that relationships and connections are still what make home visiting successful, Nurse - Family Partnership's Zorrah says.
Third and finally, when something unexpected happens, a theory of change offers a guide to practitioners for problem solving «on their feet» when they are out making a home visit often miles away from supervisors or other program support staff.
Whatever a program's reasons are for selecting home visiting as a primary service delivery strategy, practitioners who make home visits are better able to deliver services successfully when they understand their program's theory of change.
Responsibilities include making home visits as client needs dictate, and / or reporting information to the Rehab Manager; travel to and from client homes; attendance at...
Up to six Healthy Start Coalitions will work together over a two - year period to craft strategies for making home visiting a «hub» of local place - based early childhood systems.
School counselors and social workers give out the snapshots, too, and printed copies are taken to families when school liaisons or teachers make home visits.
Families are usually able to return to the comforts of home the same or next day and birth center providers may call, make home visits, and / or offer center visits throughout the postpartum period.
This person would make a home visit to evaluate your child's living conditions and how the family interacts.
I am willing to make home visits and charge a minimal fee to do so within 15 miles of Crosby / Ironton.
I make home visits to new mothers who are having problems with latch on, engorgement, sore nipples, plugged ducts, mastitis, low (or high) milk supply.
Trained CHWs, who made home visits; partnered with COZAM (breastfeeding promotion group); behavior change messages communicated through several media, including breastfeeding clubs and support groups
They are allowed to make home visits, but not obligated.
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