Sentences with phrase «to make new investments»

I expect to hit this through a combination of dividend raises and additional investment (although I'm not making new investments today given the current market valuation).
Why shouldn't a government borrow to make new investments when ten year, thirty year, and fifty year interest rates are at historically low levels?
Earnings would also wax a lot faster because all asset prices would drop reflecting the rise in the cost of capital, making new investments cheaper and more profitable.
And most investors are reluctant to make any new investment moves.
We will make new investments in public transportation and build bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure across our urban and suburban areas.
Current investors should keep in mind that liquidating their entire investment in the fund can keep them from making new investments in the future.
Take extra care of the garden during drought or flood — You must weather bear markets, hold steady and have some cash to make new investments at discount prices
«The Cuomo administration has told us they're interested in exploring the issue as part of the Medicaid reform process, which has been their main vehicle for making new investments in housing for people with chronic health issues,» Barry said.
These tax benefits include a number of provisions that help give small businesses the ability to grow and expand now by providing incentives to invest in small businesses, helping businesses make new investments in equipment, and extending benefits that help out new start - ups.
Flanked on camera by GM Chairman and CEO Mary Barra and FCA CEO Sergio Marchionne, Trump said smarter regulation of industries will help make new investments in the U.S. more attractive.
I don't usually give in to temptations, what I do is I set a goal on making new investments or acquiring assets before I spend the free money up.
Now, after making this new investment, I have left available 36 561.82 $ in margin money.
However, with such a sharp in the Bitcoin prices in almost no time, news entrants and investors should really read this with a sign of caution and stay aware while making any new investments in Bitcoin.
Recent reports in the South Korean media claim that Samsung Display, a wholly - owned subsidiary of the country's largest consumer electronics company, Samsung Electronics, has started making new investments towards increasing production of flexible OLED displays.
Canada has recently made some new investment rules regarding buying precious metals as part of portfolios.
Mortgages would continue to be paid, ccard and bank debts being paid off, savers who didn't lose much or any would probably make new investments or spend some of it because of the expected increased demand.
These steps remove consumer demand from the economy, which in turn discourages businesses from making new investments and hiring.
TVC's come a long way from its roots as an Irish technology VC fund... It hasn't made a new investment in almost 4 years, a fresh tech investment since it listed, and most recent non-cash portfolio value / gains derive from 2 listed companies.
Reuters, meanwhile, reported in December that Gouw would bypass a managing role in Accel's next fund and stop making new investments from its current fund.
Take extra care of the garden during drought or flood — You must weather bear markets, hold steady and have some cash to make new investments at discount prices
In my opinion, an opportunity for substantive policy reforms may have been lost - we refused to deregulate the downstream oil sector; we have not made new investments in our upstream more attractive to investors; we have not made any privatisations since 2015; NNPC remains opaque and indeed is now worse with evidently poor governance and low transparency!
That's enough to carry Barrick's debt load, but the company's ability to make new investments and pay dividends to shareholders could be at risk — especially if gold prices stay low or fall further.
• In the case of 500 Startups, which held an investor meeting yesterday, some unhappy investors moved to invoke a «key man clause,» over Dave McClure's departure, which would prevent the firm's partners from making new investments.
The company's third co-founder Ted Maidenberg won't be making new investments or participating in any future funds, although he's currently still supporting the portfolio.
More than half also plan to make new investments in the third quarter, most likely in marketing, technology and new staff.
Although the new trade agreement won't explicitly ease the way for Canadian firms wishing to make new investments in China, however, Herman believes it will have an effect.
Indeed, more than half of surveyed owners also plan to make new investments in their businesses, primarily in the technology, marketing, and hiring.
Social Capital confirmed reports that Maidenberg won't be making new investments or participating in any future funds, although he's currently still supporting the portfolio.
After the investment period has ended, the fund legally is not allowed to make new investments, it should be spending the remainder of the fund duration (funds are usually ten years long with a few one year extensions) harvesting its investments for liquidity.
Donald Trump's promise that corporations will use his giant new tax cut to make new investments and raise workers» wages is proving to be about as truthful as his promise to release his tax returns.
We will reverse Stephen Harper's cuts and make new investments to support our national broadcaste...
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the bailout agreement is a provision that forces the Greeks to transfer up to $ 50 billion of state assets to a new fund to recapitalize Greek banks, reduce debt and make new investments.
The Government was able to convince Canadians in the election that making new investments and going into deficit was the right thing to do in an environment of weak economic growth.
The state should stop making new investments from its $ 200 billion public pension fund in fossil fuel companies, Gov. Andrew Cuomo annonuced on Tuesday.
In a letter to DiNapoli, the anti-hedge fund group Hedge Clippers and other organizations say the state Common Retirement Fund should make no new investments in the Blackstone Group and TPG Capital.
We are in the lead and we are excited to be here to meet with potential companies that could make new investments in our community.
The school would combine the departments of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences; Horticulture; and Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science under one roof that will allow the college to make new investments to increase capacity and tackle the many challenges in agriculture and food security, the green industry, plant biology, and the environment.
When making your new investments a classic jacket is one of your main pieces, be wise in you colour choice as this needs to compliment your various work looks.
OOOOhhhhhhh mite have to make a new investment!
Forced to spend the funds relatively quickly, districts added staff, made new investments, and otherwise increased their costs, which will make the coming «funding cliff» that much more painful.
They should continue to support funding for the replication and expansion of high - quality charter schools, and they should make new investments in research and support for parent information, equitable funding and facilities, and innovative, low - regulation approaches to equity and effectiveness in schools of choice.
«The adoption of the budget creates long - awaited opportunities to make new investments in rural broadband, school safety and infrastructure.
Growers buy their chicks and feed from their poultry processor, for example, and processors often require growers to make new investments in buildings and equipment.
However, as you make new investments carefully weigh your true risk tolerance.
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