Sentences with phrase «to make on a daily basis»

There were two items that I had to make on a daily basis because people ordered them a lot, scones and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
Our core values are the measuring stick by which all decisions are made on a daily basis as a team and as a practice.
Although in - person networking is very effective, social media can open the doors to connections you can't make on a daily basis.
This sounds incredible, every recipe you've mentioned was something I would happily make on a daily basis.
I have identified the top six workout mistakes that I see women making on a daily basis.
Here are nine marketing mistakes I see lawyers and other professionals make on a daily basis.
«One of the things that I've found to be true throughout my career is that the most important decision that a company makes on a daily basis is who they name manager,» Soto says.
When you look at all the decisions Human Beings make on a daily basis, the «Branches» of possibility are enormous.
Confessions that make me stop and think about the choices I am making on a daily basis without really thinking about the long - term consequences.
Adjustments to the program were made on a daily basis depending on what needed more or less practice.
If you watch the movements your dog makes on a daily basis, you will see how dogs are natural yogis.
The exhibition places special emphasis on the way in which the drawings Takamatsu made on a daily basis exerted a subtle and comprehensive effect on his practice; how the artist viewed his book designs and illustrations as opportunities to present a special type of work; and attempts to understand the actual conditions surrounding Takamatsu's creative process based on works that are only extant in documentary form.
For many of you TreeHugger readers, this list probably doesn't hold many surprises, but it is still an important reminder of the decisions we as consumers make on a daily basis when choosing what to put into our bodies.
Requiring the Crown to weigh proportionality, the court says, «would greatly expand the scope of judicial review of discretionary decisions made by prosecutors and put at risk the adversarial nature of our criminal justice system by inviting judicial oversight of the numerous decisions that Crown prosecutors make on a daily basis
Schnelli revealed that 517 Github contributors played an active role in the development of Bitcoin, and nearly 4.5 commits were made on a daily basis throughout the year.
Mainstream institutional investors are swearing by the predictions made on a daily basis by mainstream pundits.
The true measure of value is the tangible contribution we make on a daily basis.
It's not until you actually start your own apparel store that you'll realize how many decisions you'll be making on a daily basis, and for that reason, you want to make sure you have a plan.
The only real measure of your value is the tangible contribution you make on a daily basis.
The features allow you to select the size of trade and the maximum loss that you are willing to make on daily basis.
The decisions you make on a daily basis both large and small shape your life, and the quality of those decisions shape your destiny.
However, the dietary choices you make on a daily basis are those which have the most significance on your long - term health.
These 5 recipes were all taken from my Instagram feed and are the type of breakfasts I make on a daily basis.
It's just that this time of year is when I seem to make them on a daily basis.
These «kitchen scraps» are such a cute way to sneak in those recipes that I would actually be able to make on a daily basis, I'm loving them:)
The funny thing is, that whilst I was nibbling away at natures best stuff and chatting to fellow foodies about lifestyle choices such as ecological household items, living near farms and eating locally sourced eggs, bread and walking in the fields or even building eco-friendly homes... it reminded me of how each choice I make on a daily basis affects my body.
It is not eating local or organic, avoiding plastic, taking my own bags, cooking from scratch, seeking out phantom power, freezing my buns off, making my own cleaning products, line drying my clothes, or any of the other million decisions we make on a daily basis.
Drew Barrymore once said, «My favorite thing about being a mom is just what a better person it makes you on a daily basis.
What you should know is that though there are no definite number of kicks that your baby should make on a daily basis, she should make at least ten movements within two hours of her being awake or active.
However, I should remember all the other Eco-conscious choices I am making on a daily basis and feel good about that.
Our practices and our choices we make on a daily basis should lead us toward a betterment of our own self and a betterment of the Universal Consciousness that surrounds us.
It's important to visualize the process and lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis: healthy eating, working out, enjoying being fit and healthy, shopping for clothes for our new body and enjoying our new friends who are into a similar lifestyle.
If you're commited to a goal of a strong, fit, healthy body rememeber to take pride in the small changes you make on a daily basis and set small mile marker goals for yourself along the way.
In an age of information overload, it is easy to become overwhelmed and even paralyzed by the choices we have to make on a daily basis.
In an age of information overload, it it is easy to become overwhelmed and even paralyzed by the choices we have to make on a daily basis.
It is the culmination of the vast number of decisions you make on a daily basis; week... Read More
The food choices we make on a daily basis have a direct effect on our quality of life.
But I do, in general, wish that our first instinct when something feels off with our bodies or minds is to look to the decisions that we make on a daily basis — specifically our food choices.
Fuelled by my passion for networking and being a connector, I decided to re-enter the world as a single woman, embracing every interaction and connection I made on a daily basis.
«Our commitment to fitness,» he continues, «dictates so many of the choices we make on a daily basis.
The creators only mean to show the life of a crew of firefighters, their camaraderie, ambitions, mishaps, and the sacrifices they each make on a daily basis.
On the Way to School (Unrated) Thirst for knowledge documentary illustrating the great efforts which four children (one each from Kenya, India, Morocco and Argentina) make on a daily basis to get to school, whether by foot, wheelchair or horseback.
How much do adults really understand about the tough decisions teens have to make on a daily basis?
As educators, we know that many internal and external factors affect our student's decision - making on a daily basis.
2017 GMC Terrain SLE — Are you ready for some rugged good looks and a great way to enjoy the drive you make on a daily basis?
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