Sentences with phrase «to make one's views known»

For example, shareholders could make their views known on the use of CEO contracts.
Thank goodness that the loyal bloggers of AA show their class and make their views known in a cool calm and collected manner.
There will be a period of consultation over the coming weeks, and it is important that the scientific community makes its views known.
All principals need to make their views known on both state and federal legislative issues.
The completed questionnaires have just started fluttering into my in - tray, but it is already clear that experts are keen to make their views known about what is on offer.
If we allow too many restrictions on the fundamental right to protest, we silence the voices of many in our society, particularly those who may have limited other means for making their views known.
At a town budget meeting December 18, hundreds of teachers, students, and community members made their views known by carrying signs and wearing stickers that said, «Cuts Hurt Kids,» «Fund Public Schools,» and «Every Student Matters.
This leaves a gap of a fortnight in which the Parliamentary Party has no formal means of making its views known to the leadership.
The lone dissenter was Justice John Paul Stevens, who made his views known in a rare oral summary during Monday's public session.
If you've already made your views known to your MP — thank you!
«On Saturday, the fans had a chance to basically make their view known that it is time for change, but it turned into a massive damp squib.
The mayor's rebuke also stirred some resentment among other members of the New York Congressional delegation, who at a private meeting Thursday made their views known to a representative of the mayor's office.
Asked if the timing of the speech — two days before May's own set piece Brexit speech — was helpful, the spokesman said: «He is perfectly entitled to make his views known at his time of choosing.»
We have to ask ourselves, as at the time of Maastricht, when all three Front - Bench teams are united on something, how do those who dissent make their view known?
Furthermore, this heavyweight list represents just a fraction of those in the commercial world who oppose Runway Three, with many more reluctant to make their views known publicly because they work with or for companies who supply services to the airport or aviation sectors.
Worst of all, Osborne made his view known brutally that the government wasn't going to throw any more money at environmental targets which were unaffordable in austerity (of his own making of course).
Tinubu, who made his views known via a series of tweets on his twitter handle @Asiwaju Tinubu, on Monday, also denied links to the formation of a new party.
As a result, development consent could still be given, even after Ms. Leth made her views known.
Meanwhile Lord Neuberger made his views known on how access to justice forms a crucial component of the rule of law; and commentators discuss why public bodies can't bring claims under the HRA.
So make sure that your recruitment consultant shows you the finished version of the CV they intend to circulate, and make your views known if you are not happy.
communities may wish to make their views known through existing structures, networks or events, such as at land council meetings
And many crypto luminaries are making their views known about proposed changes, including FinCEN's widely - circulated letter indicating that existing AML & KYC regulations will be applied to all ICO participants.
Much as I agree with you on Elneny, I do disagree with you calling a fellow Arsenal fan «Idiotic» for making his views known.
As Duncan Osborne reports in this issue's cover story, leaders in the fight against HIV are making their views known loud and clear — chief among them that it is time for a new health commissioner.
«Today's outcome is one that many in our city did not want,» said Mayor Bill de Blasio in a statement, calling on those who disagreed with their decision to «make their views known in the same peaceful, constructive way.»
Lawyers have been urged to make their views known on proposals to introduce major reforms to disclosure, ahead of a potential pilot in the Business and Property Courts
Because of the deeply emotional and intimate nature of the subject matter of the Report, many people who may not often express their opinions publicly were moved to write to newspapers or find some other way of making their views known, frequently with a great deal of passion and candour.
However, tread with caution if you're dying to make your views known.
They are more passive, easy going, and reluctant to make their views known.
Churches recognize that issues of justice in local and national development can not be addressed without a consciousness of the role of communication, nor can any group do so without the tools with which to make their views known.
The benefits provided by the modern media permit us to make our views known to our MPs and to anyone we think has influence in framing law and in forming, and informing, public opinion.
If a Christian wants to stand up and make their views known, they can do it outside the church, on social media, on a milk crate on the corner, as long as it is not in their church's name.
Animals Australia is grateful to the many courageous politicians who have spoken out against the indefensible cruelty systemic within the live trade, and to the thousands of individuals across Australia who have made their views known to their political representatives.
It was clear we needed a proven cover for le coq and we made our views known during the summer transfer window but everything as usual was rubbished and swept under the french carpet..
«Given that the league will now be suspending play until August 26th for the Olympics, we plan to use this time to work with our players and their union on ways for the players to make their views known to their fans and the public and we have informed the players that we are rescinding the recently - imposed fines.»
The Foreign Office has just issued a statement pointing out the best way for Ukrainians to make their views known is via the presidential election taking place later this month.
Now, Osamor is said to have taken matters into her own hands by turning up at a public meeting at Havering town hall and making her views known.
«I think I made my views known on mayoral control of education, I made my views known on the Dream Act.
No demonstrator has attempted to defy the curfew since before Thanksgiving, and many Occupiers say they feel they've made their views known, and that now it's time to move on.
He made his views known to the majority leader during a Senate GOP fundraiser in Albany.
It is important that people who are involved in shooting and shoot management take this opportunity to make their views known to policy makers at the European level.»
«The Commons have made their views known on this, and we're just following the views of the Commons,» the Lib Dem spokesman said.
So for those people not happy with the Labour government, they now have a clear idea of the means by which they can make their views known
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