Sentences with phrase «to make someone sit»

Do not make her sit in the crate whining until some arbitrary hour when you have decided to let her out.
I had this idea that a sticker chart and a lot of encouragement along with making him sit on the toilet every 30 minutes were the keys to potty training success.
This is a film that is meant to just make you sit back, relax, and see who lives and who dies, without consequence.
How to Stay Active at Work When work makes us sit for 10 - 12 hours a day, it feels like we'll never be able to get in shape.
Unfortunately, that's not the case, which only makes sitting through this film that much more of a soul - crushing experience.
Do not let your child walk around with their bottle, but make them sit with you or at the table.
I don't make him sit on it and I watch him as best I can to get him on there right when he has to go, but then he will hold it.
Its not quite as sweet though which make sit popular in my book.
So, the teacher started making me sit at the back.
You can help that along by making the sit - down time after dinner.
This has really made me sit and thing about how my past has really shaped who am today.
Something that just makes you sit back and say «Wow».
Making me sit still for any length of time is sheer torture.
His short stride and slow movement combined with his time on the ball makes him a sitting duck for a tackles.
Also, they let us leave when I was feeling uncomfortable (rather than a medical ultrasound place which makes you sit there until THEY are ready).
Why not slightly round the rear, make it sit more nicely in the hand and improve the space for a battery?
The smartphone is quite easy on the eyes and has a slightly curved back that should make it sit better in the hand.
Yes it was simply made sitting right there as photos were being taken.
It can also make us sit in and choose anger over the more difficult to feel emotions like shame, fear, hurt, and loneliness.
The phone sports a metal frame for protection, and the slightly curved back make sit comfortable to hold — even for a big phone.
But one that really makes you sit up and pay attention is a huge ball park.
They then make you sit and stew for a month.
I have started making him sit down until the other dog passes.
This would make them sitting targets for predators if they had a strong scent.
That's not just because of its curved shape, that makes it sit very naturally in the hand, but also because of the smooth edges.
Can you really train people to be more accepting of diversity after making them sit through a 2 - hour seminar?
To help the dog learn to not jump you must make them sit nicely for attention instead.
I actually made myself sit and eat a plate of cookies each time I had a «win» with a recipe.
The stroller has a dual trigger folding mechanism which make sit super compact.
Try offering treats as a reward or investigate calming massage techniques to make sitting next to you a pleasurable experience.
You have made me sit here at my desk and laugh out loud.
It weighs 165 grams which definitely makes it sit on the heavier side, but the phone remains very comfortable to hold and use.
Heck, he can even make sitting on the toilet look cool.
: Regular driving schools make you sit behind the steering wheel right on the first day, even if you're terrified.
Gradually make him sit quietly for longer periods of time before he receives his reward.
If he runs to the door to be let out to eliminate, praise him for going to the door, but make him sit before opening the door.
Especially the ending makes you sit on the edge of your seat for minutes.
Don't make him sit home alone all day.
Are there any suggestions for helping avoid making her sit in poop?
The death of a child makes you sit back and put your own life goals into perspective.
This is because the kid's joints are not yet fully formed, thus making them sit comfortable in any position without feeling any discomfort.
We wanted to make The Sitting Solution affordable for anyone... because NO ONE deserves to be in chronic pain from something so simple.
Watching this lecture makes me sit up and take notice a bit and I'm excited at the possibilities.
Now, slowly try to bend your knees and then hips making a sitting position.
Although, the warmer weather outside makes sitting indoors increasingly difficult.
They are great for decoration, but they also make sitting much more comfortable.
What movie made you sit up and take notice of a new and exciting filmmaker?
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