Sentences with phrase «to make someone sleepy»

I like to eat something that really fills me so I don't feel hungry 30 minutes later but it still gives me energy and doesn't make me sleepy.
When it gets dark, our bodies increase our melatonin levels, which makes us sleepy.
They're also carbs which will help make you sleepy as well.
Sometimes oats make me sleepy in the morning and I've found that lots of fruits and greens work better for me first thing, at least in the summer months.
Usually taking melatonin or reading for an hour will make me sleepy enough to forget whatever it is I'm worried about, but no such luck last night.
Basically, she's kind of a genius, as well as being so creative it actually makes me sleepy just to read her blog.
Many people say alcohol makes them sleepy and, indeed in the immediate short term this is true for many people.
In the afternoon, the sun's rays lose their blue light, which allows your body to produce melatonin and start making you sleepy.
Unfortunately, when I combine it with a hearty meal (my favorite way to drink it) it inevitably makes me sleepy.
The act of breastfeeding makes you sleepy so it will help you go back to sleep easier.
I can't help it though, moving vehicles make me sleepy.
This is because the high levels of progesterone make you sleepy.
All that sugar he ate made him sleepy, even in the morning after having slept nine hours.
All the different things that again could decrease your quality of sleep which might make you sleepy during the day.
Wheat in general makes me sleepy within 20 minutes, and I try to avoid it in the hours before I know I need to drive anywhere.
I love scarves like this, definitely make me sleepy too especially in class!
Also, they do tend to make him sleepy if we give him the full dose for his weight but there's no way he'll sleep in the middle of a storm still.
I find this product makes him sleepy which helps in the car, and when there are fireworks.
It won't make you sleepy an hour after eating it either.
Which makes you sleepy, but does not take away the pain at all.
I was able to successfully inject the medication, making him sleepy enough to do what we needed to do, but still awake and breathing well on his own.
Arsenal v Reading, that's a toughy, I love Arsenal but without Reading to make me sleepy at night I am not sure I'd be sleeping enough.
Even though turkey has a reputation for making you sleepy because it contains tryptophan, a small amount may give your body the fuel «boost» you need to get through a long afternoon.
No, says Google: A search for «Thanksgiving science» yields only articles about whether turkey really makes you sleepy.
Being Merry I confess, tasting in the afternoon made me sleepy by 5 p.m.. We'd booked reservations at a renowned place for our anniversary dinner and were so drowsy we didn't think we'd truly appreciate it.
Lisa De Fazio, a healthy - lifestyle expert and registered dietitian, previously told Business Insider that high - fat, high - sugar meals and snacks make us sleepy and have low energy — which can seriously hurt your productivity and ability to concentrate.
This one has been brutal with all the gloomy weather making me every sleepier, l...
These crackers would be a great option with a tub of homemade hummus or other vegan dip and some veggie sticks and wouldn't make you sleepy like a large sit down lunch would so you could get right back out there and busy again.
Reglan made me sleepy and out of it but I knew I was doing it for my son.
Just putting him in the Ergo carrier and walking little faster makes him sleepy just in few minutes.
Spend the time with your baby by feeding or bathing and make the sleepy environment.
Getting dehydrated will only make you sleepy, and might impair milk production if you breastfeed.
The simple zip feature makes a sleepy baby transfer to the cot smooth and most importantly successful:) Finally for its size and how light this carrier is I was surprised that it was so comfortable when using for these short trips.
Making the Sleepy Wrap the ideal carrying tool to facilitate «Kangaroo Care» for prematured babies.
Research shows that certain foods make us sleepy, and preparing a meal full of them at dinner time is sure to ease your child's transition into dreamland.
Test out different reading material (in the living room, don't forget) to see what makes you sleepiest.
The stuff originally thought to make you sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner is now believed to be a key to calm and happiness, says Susan Bowerman, RD, assistant director of UCLA's Center for Human Nutrition.
Labs were still good, but the RYR made me sleepy, too.
Maybe your brother can eat a loaf of bread and stay energized, but one slice makes you sleepy.
This combo made me sleepy though I don't think any of these oils are intended for that but this is how it affected me and was a pleasant mix so that it didn't bother hubby who didn't need the oils for easier breathing but was in the same room.
Estrogen dominance also interferes with melatonin production, which is the brain hormone that makes you sleepy when it's dark.
They're making me sleepy since ovaltine is a night time drink.
Steers» film will likely polarize the audience, which, if nothing else, gives it rare resonance; at least it makes you feel, where many similar indie efforts make you sleepy.
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