Sentences with phrase «to make something available to everyone»

Our online defensive driving / traffic school course is taken completely online from any computer that has internet access which makes it available to everyone.
The app is invite - only, but Miller says they expect to make it available to everyone in early May.
Besides just making a sugar - free sangria recipe, we decided to make it available to everyone by omitting the alcohol.
SEforALL exists to meet this dual challenge: reducing the carbon intensity of energy while making it available to everyone on the planet.
It seems though, that either that barrier kept people from playing the game, or the developers just really wanted to make it available to everyone because now, the game is completely free to play.
Facebook may never roll this out to the wider community, but the company has been known to test new features on small portions of its user base ahead of making them available to everyone, so if you don't yet see a Downvote button, there is still a chance that you will at some point in the future.
We also pay attention to what our community is saying, and it's something they've been clamoring for, so we're happy to finally make it available to everyone
If this product proves to be successful, Fannie Mae plans to make it available to everyone next year.
When it is released to the public for the first time this Thursday, Sony is still calling it a beta but just openly making it available to everyone.
Quanta's decentralized network not only provides safety and credibility to players and operators but also democratizes the experience by making it available to everyone regardless of border or economic status.
As there is a high interest from various big players as well as small players, plus the nature of blockchain platforms (being distributed, open source) also makes it available to everyone, by everyone, there is no «single owner» of these platforms and this technology but all of us working on blockchain are.
He was looking for a way to centralize all the information related to a closing and make it available to everyone involved, when he learned of the service.
If God truly loves humanity, this way of thinking presumes, then he'd saturate the world with his presence, making himself available to everyone in and through the diversity of human experience.
Wales and Sanger's utopian vision — to gather the world's knowledge in one place and make it available to everyone on the planet — hasn't seemed crazy for years.
However that horrid church, made it available to everyone, including women
Free college and government healthcare are fine, but they won't be affordable if we make them available to everyone who can get here.
And I can commit today that wherever they recommend a new form of screening on clinical grounds, we will make it available to everyone, not just - as happens too often now - just for those who can pay.
We hope that the project can keep providing this data as it has up to now, making it available to everyone and treating it in a systematic and coherent way,» concludes Dr. Guigó, the only principal investigator in Europe involved in this work.
So we decided that there was no other choice but to make them available to everyone!
Dating site owners have the freedom to assign gift sending to different membership types, or make them available to everyone.
Take the best elements from each system and make them available to everyone's children!
It's not like Common Core is some kind of amazing cure that we need to halt the trials and make it available to everyone.
For the very first time, The Book Marketing COACH collects the best of the free marketing advice shared with Outskirts Press authors over the past decade and makes it available to everyone, no matter where you published.
As an industry we know how to take existing material and make it available to everyone, everywhere through an app, the web or a device based service.
The ParkQuests created for Scenic Hudson's summer parks festival were such a hit, we've made them available to everyone.
The «ParkQuest» activities at our recent Park Festival turned out to be so popular that we've made them available to everyone.
It scans each computer (except for any folders you tell it to ignore) for documents, copies them to MetaJure's secure server, OCRs and indexes all of them, and makes them available to everyone in your firm (except for anyone you don't want to share with).
«Innovations are needed in the way we provide essential legal services in order to make them available to everyone.
I would also like to add that Googles approach to security technologies is to make them available to everyone.
The list just goes on and on: the EX487 even supports Amazon S3 for online server back - up, an automated media collection system that finds files across multiple computers and makes them available to everyone, and will even iron and fold your laundry while singing softly to itself in a minor key (not really).
Now Amazon just has to make it available to everyone.
Many experts from the west, to the east, to natives are fighting the good fight, mostly volunteering their limited time to better the Internet in Africa and make it available to everyone.
They are providing a framework for digitization of real world assets and making them available to everyone.
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