Sentences with phrase «to make something available to the public»

We also encourage mod creators to test your mods thoroughly before making them available to the public.
They've made themselves available to public scrutiny, which, in a world where many companies and exchanges have very little publicly available information about the teams, is worth mentioning.
The idea is both to preserve them and to make them available to the public on the Internet.
The exclusion of such evidence in court is rendered meaningless when news media make it available to the public.
Too often, drug companies do not sufficiently test their products before making them available to the public.
The Brooklyn Public Library system recently announced a new initiative to digitize backlist newspaper archives in order to make them available to the public via their online portal.
The reason you will occasionally see «Racing Fuel» sold in petrol stations (usually near race tracks) is that a lot of series require competitors to use «pump fuel» - By making it available to the public it counts as pump fuel and so can be used in the races.
About The Gordon Parks Foundation exhibition space The Gordon Parks Foundation's mission is to permanently preserve the work of Gordon Parks, make it available to the public through exhibitions, books, and electronic media, and support artistic and educational activities that advance what Parks described as «the common search for a better life and a better world.»
He has curated numerous exhibitions including Designs of the Year, a retrospective on designer Dieter Rams, and a project to curate and reinstall the Design Museum's permanent collection, making it available to the public for the first time in five years.
Despite promises from Premier Christy Clark and Health Minister Terry Lake that the report would be released to the public, the government has hidden significant portions of the report and failed to make it available to the public online.
If a candidate does not make herself available to the public and press when she needs votes, imagine how much she'll snub the people after being elected.
Later, Hungarian biochemist Dr. Mate Hidvegi picked up where Szent - Gyorgyi had left off and was able to obtain a patent on FWGE, making it available to the public as a non-toxic, FDA - approved commercial health supplement for the first time.
Florida limits ESAs to students with disabilities, while Nevada's 2015 legislation makes them available to all public school students — estimated at 90 percent of all students in the state.
As the translator is the author of the translation, the indie can't just take the translation and make it available to the public without the translators consent.
Shortly after Google pushed a Jelly Bean preview update to I / O attendees, RootzWiki made it available to the public.
Other than that, the firmware is perfect for any user as it is based on Android 4.1 Jelly bean files, meaning you will be able to enjoy it before Samsung makes it available to the public.
I kept busy for 25 years -LSB-...] with bodies of work but no structure to support the task of making it available to the public until Patricia and Studio One,» he says.
«There's nothing saying they have to make it available to the public in real time,» Jacobs said.
Fortunately, the government is a complex place, and the news on public disclosure isn't all grim; Congress last year decided that drug companies should be required to disclose even negative clinical trials of new products to the FDA, which makes them available to the public.
«communication of a work or other subject - matter to the public by telecommunication includes making it available to the public by telecommunication in a way that allows a member of the public to have access to it from a place and at a time individually chosen by that member of the public»
I market in the San Diego area and doing research for evictions noticed that the county only makes them available to the public 90 days after the court date.
The Brooklyn Public Library system announced recently a new initiative to digitize backlist newspaper archives in order to make them available to the public via their online portal.
The Gordon Parks Foundation permanently preserves his work, makes it available to the public through exhibitions, books, and electronic media, and supports artistic and educational activities that advance what Gordon described as «the common search for a better life and a better world.»
As part of the process, I've been told, the official written form was entered into the court record, making it available to the public for a nominal fee, or perhaps for free.
Like I said earlier, when streaming old games on PlayStation Now they caused many issues, with Microsoft's backwards compatibility program, they make sure all games run as close to the original or sometimes even better than the original before making them available to the public.
And how can people even know what stations are doing if the stations no longer have to keep records or make them available to the public?
«We knew we had to make ourselves available to the public,» Anderson says.
The Township of Richmond was a strong partner in its support for conserving this area and making it available to the public.
However, if you're concerned you won't be able to publish at all, don't worry, says Nisha Narayan, intellectual property and partnerships lead at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research: «You may need to delay the publishing for a few months, but we ultimately want you to disseminate the knowledge and make it available to the public
Burger is one of the first scientists to sequence large parts of the genome of a Bactrian camel and make it available to the public.
3) Volcano Spotting Meanwhile, earth scientists in Alaska are using Google Earth to visualize their data and make it available to the public.
This same design is widely used in medicine to evaluate the efficacy of medical drugs prior to making them available to the public.
IES has filled a gap for the nation by providing clear, objective information and making it available to the public.
The New York Public Library has gathered together various collections of primary sources and made them available to the public.
Today, presidential libraries hold those materials, make them available to the public, and preserve them for future generations.
We have decided to make it available to the public to help you better understand how the process works and the requirements with which we must comply.
Theaster Gates's Listening House, which holds the collection of Dr. Wax records and makes them available to the public
In Alberta each government department is required to have a directory of personal information banks (PIBs) and make it available to the public.
Back then, it was primarily a document - sharing site, a place where lawyers could post documents of any kind — court filings, decisions, forms, articles, alerts or newsletters — and make them available to the public.
When colleagues showed an interest in it, Kevin added a Web interface and made it available to the public.
Every court and government holds the monopoly over its information and must make it available to the public.
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