Sentences with phrase «to make something up»

For just making it up as I went along, I was really happy with how they turned out!
«We are all just making it up as we go,» wrote another.
Oil production has also disappointed — despite virtually every company's plan to «make it up in volume,» at least for this year.
My girls want to win the first prize but they didn't make it up for the challenge.
My tips for all — use warm water when making it up and add the soap after the water is in the bottle.
Oh, we'll make it up by letting you have the Chinese food for free.
Turns out she doesn't really follow a recipe, but kind of makes it up as she goes.
A theological theory can just make it up with no proof needed only — faith.
You were attempted a vaginal birth, and you even made it up to the pushing stage — the light at the end of the tunnel.
Which begs the question, what caused god other than the minds of men that made him up from nothing?
In fact, as a judge, I would rather hear «I don't know» than watch someone make something up on the fly.
The reform of institutions must be sensitive to all the particular concerns of the groups who make it up as well as the shared commitment to sustainability.
History is an organic whole, and the events which make it up participate in one another.
You have to think of certain paths so that you can make it up without becoming too tired.
But first of all the proposal doesn't make it up at all.
As long that I have you by my side, I know I will always have someone to fight with and make it up later.
If everything you can think of makes you seem quite dull, don't try and elaborate the truth or make something up entirely.
You shouldn't make them up based on opinion.
If anything, it is evidence that believers make it up as they go along.
Still, it's quite fun making it up as I go along and so far so good!
I am so close to the border I really should make it up there more!
You haven't got the first clue what we are up to so why make it up?
You can't lose money on every deal and somehow make it up in volume.
Ironically, I've shared a bunch of more recent outfits on here since then, but this one never made it up until now.
# 2 What about making them up and freezing them BEFORE cooking?
So have an excuse to get out — a legitimate excuse, don't just make something up because that could get awkward too.
Kind of a mental discipline thing — you can't play games with yourself that you'll make it up next month, kind of thing.
I would also like to know how trustworthy these theories are, or whether someone simply made it up and it should not be trusted or taken seriously at all.
You'll probably make it up in improved gas mileage anyways.
The engine has to be powerful enough to make it up steep hills, but not so powerful as to burn up your budget.
I love these posts because it gives me a moment to explain the little things going on in our life that doesn't always make it up on the blog.
Not all guests actually made it up the marble staircase to see the exhibition.
He learns the basics, he employs the experts and he invests both time and money into making it up to the standard that our clients demand.
You don't want to get caught making something up off the cuff.
My friend had moved into this beautiful new home about a year ago, but I had never made it up for a visit until this weekend.
I usually enjoy making something up myself, but there are some nights when my brain just doesn't work.
If your stock gains aren't sufficient, make it up by selling bond funds.
After finding a variety of recipes out there, I decided to use the dough from the cinnamon rolls I previously posted and just kind of make it up for the filling.
She just made it up on the fly, and it made a great dinner served with tossed salad and fresh peaches.
Sounds like he's making it up from the specs.
If you can't find what best says what you want to say, then make it up for yourself.
Our interest is in the development of communities, thereby improving the situation of the persons who make them up.
If you are unable to attend a session you can always make it up at any point during a period of one year.
I write when inspiration comes which sometimes means allowing myself to skip those workouts and make them up later.
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