Sentences with phrase «to make something useful»

They are initially expensive, but their cost per market day can be very low, which makes them useful for long - term investments.
This reactive quality is what makes it useful in the transport of oxygen, but it's also what makes it dangerous in excess.
It has quizzes after each major section to consolidate what kids learn from the book, which makes it useful as a school social skills textbook.
This has made their discovery and the understanding of their properties elusive, but it has also made them a useful tool in the study of particles and their interactions.
Its long battery life also makes it useful for other applications, like browsing the web and watching videos.
Of course, water and sugar should be cheaper than clinically tested drugs, but that does not make it useful.
It's size and price do make it a useful secondary device.
This feature makes it useful for almost all adults and all you will have to do is to adjust it to a comfortable height or level.
The other is to make them useful by adding the information to your contact - management system.
Unfortunately you'll need to use some elbow grease to make them useful again using the following steps.
In low amounts, though, they can give your brain and muscles a quick spike of energy, which can make them useful if you're careful with when you take them.
This page looks at how and when to introduce onion to baby, as well as some of the benefits of this veggie that make it a useful addition to baby's menu.
It's so much fun to really make something useful and cool like a piece of furniture I can actually write on — thanks again for the ideas!
You can talk about the things you know about, which makes you a useful resource for anyone looking for real estate - particularly real estate in your area of expertise and location.
These qualities make it useful in crystal healing as an emotional / psychological healing stone.
The time saving nature as well as the customizable nature of these templates makes them useful as so popular.
A one - handed folding system makes it a useful companion for urban families on the move.
This is not a dog to shy away from hard work which makes it a useful companion in French customs and inspections work.
The same serving of imitation crab provides 17 milligrams of cholesterol, making it a useful option if you are on a low - cholesterol diet.
We see credit offering coupon - like returns, making it a useful source of income potential.
Both of the new cabinets are really shallow and fit perfectly, which makes them useful without taking up excessive amounts of floor space.
That can make it a useful travel companion, should you travel abroad.
It seems I must continue to live, so I might as well make myself useful.
It could make him a useful commodity if that were the case.
It's a breathable material that absorbs moisture and helps to keep body temperature regulated, making them a useful choice for the winter and summer months.
Now, it is a lightweight stroller and it has 3 positioned molded handles making it a useful item for taller parents.
Spending two decades learning more than most people ever need to know doesn't automatically make you useful in the real world.
It also stimulates bile production making it a useful agent in fat digestion.
In addition to its culinary uses, oregano oil may be useful for fighting off many types of infections, making it a useful home remedy.
The simple to follow slides make it a useful tool for demonstrating how to use guide lines to develop the shapes.
The body - on - frame design of these trucks also means that they are quite durable, and available four - wheel drive makes them useful in snowy climates.
One of the features of this DRM scheme is that it supports time limited licenses making it useful for Public Libraries to use to checkout eBooks to their clients.
However, they do provide a range of benefits that, if the loan is used correctly, can make them a useful weapon to have in your arsenal.
It's an interesting way to tackle this enormous problem, making it useful instead of annoying.
Our understanding of different regulators and of the need to keep costs down, especially through careful case management, should make us a useful additional option in the legal services market.
You can configure these options by tapping on them and make them useful according to your needs.
Find out what you can do to speed up a slow tablet so you can extend its life and make it useful once again.
It holds the device at just the right angle to make it useful while sitting on your desk.
Better yet, the accurate activity and sleep tracking metrics make it useful both day and night.
Its portability and affordability make it useful for schools and businesses.
This would make them useful as tiny devices for storing information.
The thin profile and minimal energy requirements of devices could also make it useful in flexible displays or as a security measure on credit cards.
The variety of notes you can take, the ability to pull things in from external websites, and a few extra features make it useful in a lot of different situations.
The versatile Snap N Go stroller works with nearly every infant car seat brand and is lightweight and easy to transport, making it a useful tool for on - the - go parents.
Make yourself a useful resource for the career placement offices.
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