Sentences with phrase «to make sure something 's worth something»

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So make yours good, make it interesting and make sure you have something that is worth writing about.
And if you don't make your own curry paste, make sure to buy something of good quality, it is worth it to pay two or three Euro more in this case, I think, it really makes a difference.
If you're still feeling this way after a few weeks, it's worth visiting your GP or talking to your health visitor, to make sure it's not something more serious like post-natal depression.
When you're starting a campaign, make sure that your content is going to be worth the effort — reward those poor suffering readers and activists with something substantive.
If there's any silver lining in this, we need to make sure that some of the therapeutics and vaccines that have been on an experimental level so far, that we really use this opportunity to make sure we have tools, real - world, available tools for people, hopefully for this outbreak, but if not for this outbreak for the next outbreak, and make sure that we have something of worth that comes out of this.
Marc said something about wanting to make sure we got more than our money's worth, and that's exactly how I feel.
We're going to Austin at the end of May and we'd like to book something else for later in the year to make sure we get our money's worth.
But for what boils down to an hour's worth of game time, that price still seems a little high and probably makes sure the game is something you'll wish to pick up in a sale rather than at full price.
Two - factor authentication is not turned on by default, it is something you manually have to turn on, but it is well worth your time to make sure your account does not get hacked.
Jus sayin if you send out 10 - 15 articles per day, make sure its something more relevant than something that s worth mentioning in the forums tops.
Incredible, Always worth reading, I get a fair number of educational forex material to my inbox, I make sure when I receive something from you I put aside a bit of time to give it a look.
Since she is using it normally otherwise, it may be something very minor, but she is a growing dog, and it would be worth seeing your vet to make sure it isn't something that is going to affect her long term growth, especially if the joint might be swollen.
However, unlike fee credits, it's not easy to put a dollar value on what these benefits will be worth to you, so make sure you'll get something out of them.
We have some pretty intense fans who I know would just devour all of that material and 2K's dedication to quality would make sure that every product would be something worth spending your money on.»
Aside from that, EA has touted improvements to the animation with a real - time player animation technology that appears to have taken motion of capture of the popular Football players like Ronaldo to make sure their behavior mimics how they play in the game, but this is hardly something worth praising about here.
As I read this article it reminded me of how we artists can be quite an emotional lot.Sometimes we have trouble being practical.I certainly have mixed emotions about this subject.On the one hand it is always great to sell a piece of art but on the other five dollars doesn't seem worth the hassle.But the point I think many may have missed is that a five dollar work of art would definately be something you only spend a small amount of time on, like a half hour or less.That's $ 10 an hour to do what you love and isn't that what we're all looking for?My husband who's a bussiness man is always making me look at it that way, in terms of an hourly wage.I know that's not very artistic thinking but it sure does make sence in this materialistic world that we live in.
Best make sure it's worth it, make sure it's something your deepest self actually wants.
Ya know, since there's clearly a need for working raw materials in near Earth orbit, and we're not going to catch an asteroid any time soon — perhaps it would be worth putting some loads of say water ice, or sheet metal, or nitrogen tanks, or something cheaper than a satellite, and making some test shots of this vehicle until they know for sure the fairing will pop off.
Make sure she tries on swimwear and other outfits just before leaving too — it's not worth trying to squeeze into something that's suddenly too small!
You may not build up its worth, but you will save a lot of money while still making sure your loved ones have something to live on after you pass.
I think it's hard work, I think it's worth it because they do support us once we have relationships with families, we can learn much more about the children and support their overall wellbeing so whether it's working with the families to help them at home or something that we need support with here at the service that families can give us lot more insight on to make sure we're caring for the children.
The only way to create something worth rallying around is to make sure you engage each and every team member, no matter where the problem is.
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