Sentences with phrase «to make the map»

The phrase "to make the map" means to create a plan or strategy for achieving a goal or navigating through a specific situation. It implies the action of determining the best route or method to follow in order to reach a desired outcome. Full definition
Now this is not like making a map of streets - that gradually, after going there a number of times you know in your head and can put it onto paper.
Players are already making the maps for it — the map editor may as well support them.
You aren't required to stay with traditional set ups, which makes the map feel more unique to you.
The map is bland, or those who played Fuel, you will understand just because they make a giant map, does nt make the map good.
Besides looking great, the available sleek glass display helps make the map more prominent, while dynamic route guidance can assist you with turn - by - turn information.
The team expect to publish their findings in the near future and make the maps available for all to use.
She always predicts and make a map in her mind that what she will wear and how she will look.
There are also situations where you can pick up maps of the environment, but there is no way to access them after you initially obtain them which makes the maps useless.
Make the maps big enough to have vehicles and an other game mode where it's more close combat with no vehicles but smaller version of maps for better gameplay.
Just find an arcade cabinet or a poster, and you can hop right into a custom - made map from a selection curated by the developers.
Everything we tried to make that map fun didn't work, so we cut it.
Not many turn - based games test your skills like these do, embracing old - school RPG design and even making you map out your dungeons.
More touches like this would have helped make the maps feel memorable.
He was the talent behind making the map alive and real.
There's already a decent selection of user - made maps online, some of which look better than the original ones.
My students loved making the maps and got very creative with their pictures.
If the battles are going smoothly, the player can slot an experience gain skill to help level the two up faster, making map battles a little less challenging.
This may mean making a map of which team members are experts, and who is in charge of what, from product leads to executives.
After making a map of the room, your child can make one of the entire house.
The screen's high resolution makes the maps even clearer and sharper, making for an ease of use that just can't be beat.
The new and improved methodology used to make the map marks a sea change for future market - based carbon economies.
And it's not just the visual wow factor that makes the maps popular: They are also surprisingly interactive.
It's a way of making their map services better, to drive their advertising revenue.
They're not thinking in terms of books, they're thinking in terms of making the mapping product really good.
He also adds that this reduction will in a way give more emphasis on the actual map design as higher speeds make the map look smaller and suffers on a macro perspective.
It essentially makes the map progressively smaller until you are dead or the winner.
The setting had a lot of potential, but it turned out so very repetitive, making the maps confusing to navigate.
The second screen made a map available at all times or real - time inventory management.
The new tools such as rotation snap and phased object physics now really help make map editing an easy and enjoyable proposition.
These are ready made maps for you to tackle by yourself and are useful for learning the basics of the game away from the pressure of the online action.
Birds, leaves and terrified civilians fill the streets making the map feel alive.
He analyzes scientific data and makes maps for the federal government.
Another idea is they could make the maps bigger (say 2x) and have you work through them.
Now, it seems that the brain may make maps of abstract realms, too.
Only older genomes could make the map more exact.
It's not a priority right now, whereas continuing to evolve and make the map feel fresh is something we're very excited and interested about.
RE / MAX Suburban's Woerner helps busy buyers save time «by making maps with numbered dots showing every house we plan to visit,» she says.
January 14, 2013: Due to technical problems with the webserver onto which the GISTEMP webpages were recently migrated, interactive plotting tools such as making maps of the surface temperature anomaly and line plots of station data were disabled as the site was migrated onto newer hardware.
When Sergey Brin and Larry Page built the search engine that would become Google, they started by making maps.
I really wish they focussed on improving all the things wrong with the previous games (AI, character movements etc) instead of just making the maps larger.
Next to releasing the prettifying Crysis 2 DirectX 11 update yesterday, Crytek has announced plans to also make a map editor available for the shooter.
The idea here was that new tools would make maps easier to draw and even easier to understand, creating, at worst, evidence that lawmakers involved in redistricting were not drawing the right maps, and, at best, alternatives.
«I'm up learning to make maps so I can make one of Wakanda, believe it or not.»
«Mapping» in a colloquial sense isn't just about making maps, it's about how humans make sense of the world.
By providing lessons plans and supporting resources for each skill and concept in each RIT band, Achieve3000 makes MAP data actionable for teacher - led instruction while saving teachers planning time.
With Google Earth features, users can add elements to make a map real, such as before and after imaging of things like oil spills or mountain top removal, imagery to illustrate what the maps mean and what people are looking at when they see the terrain.
As you add more and more topics and subtopics to a mind map, the type size and readability usually decreases — making the map harder to read.
As we walked through the streets of London I loaded this self - made map on my smartphone, on which I had saved all the free and cheap Attractions.
To find out exactly what the Milky Way looks like, astronomers have previously made maps using counts of the stars in the night sky.
For example, if an explorer in an area shared by multiple Indigenous nations made a map based on information they received from an informant from one nation, their map would reflect that individual and that community's understanding of the area and would not include the perspectives of other nations in the area.
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