Sentences with phrase «to make the necessary adjustments»

The phrase "to make the necessary adjustments" means to take the appropriate actions or changes in order to achieve a desired outcome, fix an issue, or adapt to new circumstances. Full definition
It is very unlikely that you would get everything right the first time so make necessary adjustments in your plain text resume.
Nurse case managers monitor the progress of a patient to make necessary adjustments on a treatment plan and case management strategy.
Then you can make any necessary adjustments as soon as possible.
Make the necessary adjustments so you feel comfortable on the machine and the weight is right.
A service termination letter gives a formal notice to the clients so that they can make the necessary adjustments by considering another service provider.
Aside from that, the «quick budget» feature lets you see exactly how much you spend in each category, and then make necessary adjustments.
That means we've got to keep any instructions general, and hope that readers make necessary adjustments based on their circumstances.
Either reason, it doesn't really matter in the end because she, fortunately, included wide enough seam allowances for me to make the necessary adjustments with no problems!
The best way to keep your head in the game is to stay active in the process — while making necessary adjustments along the way.
For many families, the birth of a new child is a time of joy although making the necessary adjustments for the new arrival is oftentimes not a stress free experience.
Now, we should look at the team and our chances more realistically and make the necessary adjustments where needed.
There's more than 1/2 the season left and there is time to make necessary adjustments even if there are plenty to make..
You can make the necessary adjustments according to your child's age and amount needed for the school.
This can prevent you from making necessary adjustments to asset mix or for rebalancing purposes.
When there have been changes to the Internet marketing landscape, I have helped my clients make the necessary adjustments.
Once your record is corrected, make sure you present a copy to your insurance carrier so it can also make any necessary adjustments.
It also allows you to go back to your old file and make necessary adjustments whenever you want to.
As such, those who choose to ignore these trends and not make the necessary adjustments to their business models will be left behind.
They usually carry out analysis of pricing structures to gain insight regarding competitive prices, and also to make necessary adjustments in order to benefit from current pricing.
When you first buy a baby backpack, take time to make the necessary adjustments for fit and comfort.
They are energetic and eager to learn and make the necessary adjustments as they move from being a single contributor to successfully serving as a manager.
Evaluate your business plan and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and results.
You will see distinct patterns in your spending habits and this will allow you to make necessary adjustments so that you can save.
Nature always makes the necessary adjustments after a natural disaster, begging the question of whether these events are really disasters at all.
I just hope he can pull his head outta his ass far enough and make the necessary adjustments before he totally tanks us..
Schools were not ready to make the necessary adjustments when 48 states raised the number of mathematics credits needed to obtain a high - school diploma, F. Joseph Crosswhite, president of the nctm, told conference participants.
I would always make the necessary adjustments to calculate the option adjusted spread over interpolated swap rates, with further adjustments for the degree of premium or discount to par.
Though it is unlikely to occur, if the manual reviewers ding your book for modification, we will make the necessary adjustments immediately, at no cost of course, and get the new file to you for resubmission.
[98] When animal populations lack balance, nature automatically makes the necessary adjustments.
Be honest with yourself and, where you fall short make the necessary adjustments to improve your skills, work ethic and sense of character as the greater the consequences for the company, the greater your leverage is in a myriad of areas.
Rather, Israel bore witness to that action of God directly impinging upon the situation at hand, letting the total cumulative context make the necessary adjustments and modifications.
They didn't go as deep as they wanted in their Rookie season, but they learned from it and Captain Jack made the necessary adjustments to put his Team in a fantastic position to claim the Crown in 2014.
We can c the team make necessary adjustments on both sides of the ball..
Arsenal will look to their longtime manager Arsene Wenger to finally make the necessary adjustments required to win a Premier League title.
«The committee extended the implementation date to give schools an opportunity to make the necessary adjustments during the normal uniform rotation and replacement cycles during the next five seasons.»
For $ 12.76, you will get fitted cloth diapers which you can use for months as baby grows, simply by changing the snaps and making the necessary adjustments around the waist.
While pushing through discomfort might initially be an effortful process, Paulus says, over time your brain begins to make the necessary adjustments almost automatically.
It is much easier to make the necessary adjustments once you learn how the system operates.»
Check your eLearning portal with a tool like YSlow or with Chrome's excellent Developer Tools, and make the necessary adjustments towards a more lightweight and faster loading webpage.
A well constructed IPS not only creates a disciplined process necessary for proper portfolio management, but also serves as a report card with which to measure progress and make necessary adjustments over time.
Many people do not realize where their income goes, and by analysing spending habits they are able to make necessary adjustments which are beneficial to their complete financial picture.
Generally, pedestrians have the right of way and if there were signs alerting the driver that pedestrians, children or a school were nearby there may be concern whether the driver made necessary adjustments to avoid an accident.
The controls built onto the Apollo7 allow for one - handed operation, but are confusing, and often, whipping my phone out to make the necessary adjustments felt easier.
The couple should agree to regimes and routines before they marry making necessary adjustments to parenting styles in advance.
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