Sentences with phrase «to make the same mistake»

They just do not make the same mistakes as other single men do.
They will want to know that you have learned a lesson and will not make the same mistakes again in regards to filing your income taxes.
Don't keep making the same mistakes over and over and be proactive with your decisions.
I am talking to lawyers who keep making the same mistakes over and over again with their law firm marketing.
You should also take notes about what led you to uncover his true identity, so that you have a better chance at avoiding making the same mistake twice.
Reading the entire list will only take a few minutes but it might save countless moms from making the same mistakes with their newborn.
But the goal is to use those errors as learning experiences that will help you avoid making those same mistakes again in the future.
Do not make the same mistake of writing the same things that all women who have chosen, because it can lead to rejection.
If it's because of something they did, they might like to know so that they don't make the same mistake in the future.
Doing so could prevent that person from making the same mistake again or prevent others from making that choice in the first place.
A lot of trainees make the same mistake when they work out — they use weights that are too heavy for them to lift.
However, going on making the same mistakes over and over again is inefficient and not sustainable.
After working with hundreds of cover letter clients I've discovered that many people make the same mistakes over and over again.
And while the best never make the same mistake twice, as technology gets more complex, we make mistakes in new ways.
Many singles dating make the same mistake by choosing a partner to see or not to display an image at all.
All our board want to do is nothing and let the idiot make the same mistakes year after year.
As a dating coach, I see people making the same mistake all the time.
Too many people who get rejected for auto loans make the same mistakes repeatedly.
If not, you risk making the same mistakes over and over again.
Choose a privilege that will help your teen think twice before making the same mistake again.
Figure out what you did wrong and how you can improve in that area so that you don't make the same mistake next time.
Instead, think specifically about what went wrong, and how you can stop yourself from making the same mistakes at your next interview.
Everything goes in circles, and humans can't seem to stop making the same mistakes twice.
Renters often make the same mistake, thinking that they don't need coverage, but this isn't always true.
Don't make the same mistakes most guys make when making love to a woman.
I understand that we have to sustain however to continue making the same mistakes is destroying the club we all love.
That experience, though painful at the time, helped prevent me from making the same mistake ever again.
The writer to be fair has a point... BUT we always make the same mistakes..
When financing investment properties most investors makes the same mistakes.
Nobody wants to keep making the same mistakes so the evaluation is brutally honest.
Take some advice on what not to do, according to staffing experts who see too many candidates making the same mistakes over and over again.
Additionally, I agree the contractor shouldn't be protected — it should be voiced because it was a failure and we don't want anyone making the same mistake.
When you realize that even the best attorneys make mistakes, that should make you even more wary and protect against making those same mistakes.
Only a complete fool keeps making the same mistakes while expecting better results.
Numerous traders keep making the same mistake which is thinking that panic selling signals a low — usually they are three - and - a-half months early.
You're bound to continue repeating what you've already tried and making the same mistakes because you can't see the whole picture.
Many biology job applicants make the same mistake as so many other applicants.
In fact, investors have been making these same mistakes since the dawn of modern markets, and will likely be repeating them for years to come.
Don't let your kids make your same mistakes or fall into that ever - growing percentage of 18 - 24 year - olds who file for bankruptcy.
All the points you raised are what I have also personally experienced and I believe most traders make the same mistake as well.
Some partners make the same mistake — they also go to a friend or co-worker and share their intimate secrets, personal problems and so on.
There is a saying about making the same mistakes over and over again, but I can't remember exactly how it goes.
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