Sentences with phrase «to manage ways»

Whether or not that pressure proves irresistible will depend on political events and how well (or badly) party leaders manage their way through them.
Thus, if you do not manage the way your brand is built, then it is going to get built for you.
Our focus will be on you using your strengths to manage your way past obstacles.
With all content in one platform, including PDF and other attachments, company knowledge can be managed way more effectively than by spreading documents separately.
I like that you are managing YOUR way for now and especially that you are easing off your blog until YOU are ready.
But he thinks managing the way that village does might work better in many places, because villagers will be more likely to follow the rules if they see a benefit.
I may miss some speculative gains managing this way, but for the most part, I will miss out on the losses.
Your insurer will totally manage the way the cash - value portion of your policy is invested.
They work behind the scenes in order to manage the way content appears to an end user on a particular website.
Nonetheless, some real estate investors think that property investment must be managed the way stock markets are managed.
But it would be a nice way to manage your way through this business cycle.
Moreover, OnePlus added a feature to OxygenOS to help users better manage the way applications perform.
The world's great forests are part of the climate machinery, and more than 195 nations agreed in Paris in 2015 to take steps to contain climate change, both by managing the way they used land and by switching from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy.
There are a thousand details the teams have to go through to successfully manage their way through the tournament.»
«We're managing our way toward profitability, but cash flow positive is an important first step,» Houston said.
«But still the suicide attackers managed their way in disguised as policemen.»
That Conte did it was shocking for almost everyone, even though Conte managed that way in Italy.
Understanding the mechanics can help manage it either way, but I hear more women trying to increase supply than slow it, it's also good to understand how it all works as new Moms establish supply.
As a dark lady dating a non-dark (and non-white) man, I've turned out to be more mindful of the route in which these generalizations still manage the way we consider - and discuss - interracial dating.
Insulation manages heat, whereas sound - proofing manages the way the sound travels.
Managing this way means that reform proceeds only as fast as new resources are layered atop the old — and it grinds to a halt when new dollars stop flowing.
Just don't try to manage your way downtown in the dead of January in it.
SLP engineers wrangled better performance out of the 3.8 - liter by more efficiently managing the way air flows through the engine.
Though not all exchange - traded funds (ETFs) are passively managed, the vast majority are managed this way because most ETFs are indexed funds, meaning they invest in the same stocks as a given index with the goal of matching its returns.
«The returns you generate hold a low correlation with other asset classes in your portfolio» and, further, currencies managed this way are not very volatile despite their reputation, he says.
Well, finally some of the talented developers managed the way to run the Grand Theft Auto V on any Android OS running device.
The counter arguments that the demographic transition will take care of population size growth and that we can technologize and public manage our way through environmental limits are probably valid.
Google Play services handles all kinds of low - level OS work on Android, including managing the way that different apps and devices connect to each other and communicate.
Moreover, the new OxygenOS version will allow users to better manage the way apps perform on the phone and rarely used apps will be prevented from affecting the device's performance.
It's your opportunity to shape and manage the way others are perceiving you.
Some may be visibly upset, others may have physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea or tummy aches, while others may behave in hard to manage ways such as screaming, tantrums or refusal.
The key now is to see how Dubai manages its way out of the development frenzy of the last five years, and, equally important, how it capitalizes on the great ideas that it incubated during this time.
he has a way to charm the board and get most deals done even to an extend of paying extra thus leaving wenger to do the managing
A person can't manage that way now unless they have free access to advanced diagnostic tools and an engine hoist which, with today's cars, is needed just to change the freaking spark plugs.
(I can also acknowledge that the current era isn't necessarily the good ole» days either, what with policymakers constantly getting in teachers» business, a bureaucratic system that excels at making inane and annoying decisions, and plenty of administrators who can't manage their way out of a paper bag.)
The Kapors remain fearful that Uber will once again be able to «manage its way past this crisis and then go back to business as usual.»
He is a determined politician who, to coin a phrase, is best when he is boldest, but who appears to be trying to risk - manage his way into Downing Street.
These muppets couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag..!
to take steps to contain climate change, both by managing the way they used land and by switching from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy.
Rapp regularly discussed her harassment on Twitter and seemed to be managing her way through it, but, when Fire Emblem Fates was released in February with a flirtatious face - touching mini-game removed, things took another turn.
Even so, Gillam now aims to grow in a managed way rather than going all out.
Managers who bully their workers have most likely been encouraged, explicitly or implicitly, to manage the way they do.
We have to look ourselves in the mirror and ask why we manage the way we do — and if, just possibly, our judgment isn't as good as we think it is.
Nonetheless, the ride - hail company — which is rumored to be looking at going public in 2018 — has managed its way out of all these previous public relations messes.
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