Sentences with phrase «to maneuver the stroller»

The phrase "to maneuver the stroller" means to move the stroller around or control its direction while pushing or steering it. Full definition
You can easily maneuver this stroller even in crowded or narrow spaces without any difficulty.
After kids, my toddler is out of the stroller and pulling garments off racks faster than I can maneuver the stroller through the aisles.
An adjustable handle helps to easily maneuver the stroller with an adjustable handle.
Due to its lightweight steel construction, it is easier to maneuver this stroller anywhere and everywhere.
Also since it is lightweight, it is easy to maneuver the stroller on all surfaces.
It is easy to maneuver the stroller when I want to make a quick turn or even when the path is bumpy.
It so often happens that taller parents find it difficult to maneuver their stroller because the handle is too low.
You can easily maneuver the stroller and you will not feel a thing while pushing the stroller.
The one - piece handle gives users the opportunity to easily push and maneuver the stroller with just one hand.
The swiveling front wheels allow you to easily maneuver the stroller in tight places.
Families carefully maneuvered strollers around the bumpy gravel path that wound through the grounds and between the artists» tents.
The front wheels in this urban stroller are 6.5» The front wheels swivel like in most stroller and give you the freedom of maneuvering the stroller through tight places and corners.
My daughter is 11 months and I rather use her umbrella stroller, I have so much trouble maneuvering this stroller in the stores, I have to move it back and straighten out the front wheels so it can turn.
The swiveling function of the front wheels provides flexibility and freedom to maneuver the stroller especially in narrow places such as aisles and crowded places.
Its width is 30» so maneuvering the stroller through doorways is not going to be an uphill task anymore.
Also maneuvering this stroller on sidewalks, roads, supermarkets and crowded places is a breeze.
The front swivel wheels are perfect for maneuvering the stroller through supermarket aisles and crowded places.
Since the stroller is only 22 pounds, it makes subbing and maneuvering the stroller easy.
There was a lot more trash down by the stream but I couldn't maneuver the stroller down there so it will have to wait for another day when I can go back by myself or with just Ava.
This swiveling function allows you to freely maneuver he stroller while you walk or go shopping.
It is easy to grip the handle and maneuver the stroller over roads and sidewalks.
Going further maneuvering the stroller be it for long walks or short strolls is a piece of cake.
Moreover the front wheels swivel giving you the much needed freedom to maneuver the stroller across aisles and in crowded places.
Maneuvering the stroller again is a piece of cake and is super easy as you move the stroller with one hand.
Tall parents will enjoy maneuvering the stroller more, since it comes with an adjustable handle.
Sometimes when we're out and about, we have a friend, spouse, or family member with us to help maneuver a stroller through doorways and between aisles.
Daniel maneuvered the stroller into the stream of people again, waiting to be spit out into the cupola.
The Revolution's rotating front wheel allowed them to maneuver their stroller around tight corners, crowded sidewalks, and narrow aisles with ease.
The problem is with maneuvering the stroller with the baby in it, I can barely control it with both hands and it is impossible to do with one hand.
The swiveling function allows you to easily maneuver the stroller in crowded places and narrow aisles.
The front wheels swivel so that you can easily maneuver this stroller in narrow aisles and rugged terrain.
The front wheels of this stroller rotate completely around, but a smart thing they did is to make them capable of locking in the straight position, this way making it very easy for you to maneuver the stroller especially when both kids are on and the storage space is packed.
Iâ $ ™ m 5â $ ™ tall and can easily maneuver the stroller anywhere.
The front swivel wheels in this stroller provide you with the freedom to maneuver the stroller as you wish.
The width of the stroller is 30» and weight 22 pounds so maneuvering this stroller I a piece of cake.
She wore him in a front carrier so that she could pull her luggage along without also maneuvering a stroller.
The inclusion of two front wheels make maneuvering this stroller a breeze.
The width of the stroller is 22» which means that you will not face any problems in maneuvering the stroller through doorways and tight corners.
It is quality double stroller for your children and perfect for mothers looking for a light, compact and easy - to - maneuver stroller!
The swiveling front wheel allows you to maneuver the stroller easily through parks, city streets, and other tight turns.
Easily maneuver your stroller through city streets, park or other tight turns with its swiveling front wheel.
You can easily maneuver the stroller through any doorways.
The B - Agile stroller's lightweight frame and one - hand «quick fold» allows parents to easily fold and maneuver the stroller.
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