Sentences with phrase «to match the temperature»

I don't think so because it does match the temperature record fairly well — the deficit years 2001 - 2008 match the cooling trend since 2001 fairly well.
How can one possibly know that the tree ring record matches temperatures in one period of time and not another?
Despite a common CE, these two reconstructions match the temperature series in different ways.
They applied it until the model output matched the temperature curve.
levels matching those temperature highs recorded for the last historical period representative of that gas mixture.
For Earth - based control group, it was difficult to match the temperatures experienced by worms in space over the course of the entire mission.
The signal was this: Climate and temperature conditions in the northern Pacific Ocean, near Alaska, closely matched temperatures in Greenland such that as the northern Pacific warmed, so did Greenland.
Tell pondkeepers to acclimate the fish to the pond by placing the bag in the water for at least 30 minutes so that the water in the bag gradually matches the temperature of the pond.
Although the temperature regimes in these laboratory experiments did not exactly match temperature regimes in the field, they allowed us to establish a cause - effect relationship between temperature shifts and chytrid infection, revealing that frogs experiencing unpredictable temperature shifts, at either daily or monthly time scales, had greater chytrid fungal loads and fungal - induced mortality than frogs held at a constant temperatures.
And of course the latest and most correct reconstruction, the one that actually matches temperatures, shows sea ice similar to now in the 1940s, with an EXTREM peak in the mid / late 1970 ’s
Warming causes CO2 rise «Differentiating the CO2 measurements over the last thirty years produces a pattern that matches the temperature anomaly measured by satellites in extreme detail.
If you delete these particular drops, the models are unable to match the temperature pattern and just go steadily up and would be way overshooting by 2000.
Thus we see that although L&S have gotten lucky and matched the temperature trend a few centuries into the past, the 60 year cycle which is the basis of their paper is nowhere to be found in the temperature data.
Temperature reconstructions almost universally involve variance deflation, meaning when they're scaled to match a temperature series, the past will seem to be more constant than it really is.
Utilizing the high resolution of the measurements, the team was able to detect methane fingerprints from the Southern Hemisphere that don't match temperature records from Greenland ice cores.
You appear to have done this by arbitrarily setting the model to match the temperature in 1900.
The water, often resting around 90 degrees Fahrenheit, is said to match the temperature of the womb, which helps create a gentle transition for the baby into the world.
Next, the researchers conducted simulations of an actual storm that occurred on March 17, 2014, matching its temperature, wind and water vapor conditions, as well as a low level of background aerosols in the atmosphere.
Why is it not possible simply to turn up that «gain» on ocean currents in hindcasts until they match the temperature record more closely?
TEMPERATURE: Reptiles are cold blooded (poikilotherms), which means their internal body temperature will match the temperature of their environment.
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