Sentences with phrase «to mean much»

People cite the numbers and stand by impressed but 1 billion people does not mean much if they are not buying.
And often making kids happy doesn't necessarily mean much more work for parents.
Facts don't mean much if they're not accurate and don't apply to the statements being made.
The short answer: natural doesn't mean much of anything.
Changes include keeping text clear, formatting layouts and tables, and making sure links adequately describe where they go («click here» does not mean much in isolation).
We all use gadgets in a different way, so «objectivity» doesn't really mean much when reviewing a tablet or a phone.
Simply saying we know what the surface is doing doesn't mean much when in fact it is the highly complex heat transfer which is the question.
I'm blaming it on the fact that the festival was much bigger this year, which meant much more walking around to get from show to show.
Though most authors come to the shocking realization that being traditionally published means MUCH less than they thought... but that's a topic for another blog.
In other words, they were spending about the same time selling, and they had a much higher average sales price, which meant a much higher commission per closing.
They could be looking at a lot less money, which means a much lower cap.
When talking about the publisher's cost of book distribution, it doesn't mean much unless the distributor keeps the publisher's books in stock.
The smooth experience for buyers certainly means much better conversion rates for you.
You could probably say that it is somewhat late, but that really doesn't mean much at all.
It doesn't mean much because of all the disparate factors that influenced the weekend and the sale.
Unfortunately «natural» doesn't mean much anymore in food marketing.
Sadly these awards don't always mean much because back - handed dealings often make the entire process a bit of a joke.
While that doesn't necessarily mean much, this trailer does have some funny stuff in it.
This didn't mean much until I received my first commission a few months later.
In the long run, many of those assumptions are wrong... and can mean a much longer job search.
Moreover, none of the visual detail means much on its own.
In that interviews for personnel happen regularly doesn't mean much since the field is so varied and the landscape so chaotic.
That might not mean much by itself, but the bulk of the evidence on professional development more generally is that it's pretty poor.
A higher deductible will indeed save you money on your monthly insurance payment, but it will also mean a much higher bill when it comes time to make a claim.
It's a word that can be used for everything but doesn't actually mean much of anything.
It's never meant much to me if it's 10 - to - 1 at one firm and 4 - to - 1 at another.
Of course, when you take into consideration such high clock speeds, it would mean a much shorter battery life — far from what the original model offered.
It's do early in the season that even a loss to a top team doesn't mean much anyway.
A smaller body naturally means a much smaller display.
Cars on the lot doesn't really mean much especially on a smaller building.
A $ 300 car payment over 36 months means a much cheaper car than a $ 300 car payment over 72 months.
While most people now understand that the enhanced greenhouse effect means a much warmer planet, communicating regional shifts in weather remains a significant challenge.
This may not mean much now, but you will be thankful later on.
When you approach a lender with your plea for modification, you must focus on a few matters that will mean much regarding your ability to stay in your home.
Sometimes seamless integration just means a much better referral process.
Until they're convinced we do, nothing we say means much to them.
Yes, resume writing means much more than strategically placing your work experience and education.
And that could mean much hotter summers across the northern hemisphere.
And those carefully - drafted legal documents turn out to not really mean much after all.
As any practicing teacher knows, assessment means much more than a one - time multiple - choice test, despite what the media and government seem to believe.
Small sample sizes will do that, and it doesn't mean mean much at all.
I also don't believe political parties at the local level mean much more than jobs for friends.
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