Sentences with phrase «to measure quality»

The most comprehensive resource on measuring quality in early childhood settings, this book brings together more than 50 experts to establish what's working and how quality measurement can be improved.
The system also doesn't measure the quality of education.
Although the company does not have formal vendor metrics, it does measure quality and service.
Accordingly, some indicators that are appropriate measures of performance for comprehensive high schools can not accurately measure the quality of educational programs at alternative schools.
Sleep studies measure the quality of your sleep and your body's response to sleep problems.
This waterproof fitness tracker measures your sleep time automatically; also measures the quality of sleep and your sleep patterns.
No book provides a better guide to what we know and what we must learn about measuring quality.
Many states around the country have yet to determine how to best measure the quality of alternative school education.
Now I can easily measure the quantity of conversations we have about texts, though measuring the quality of these conversations is more challenging.
A shorter authorization period accompanied by vigorous efforts to measure quality along the way may strike a better balance between autonomy to innovate and accountability for results.
How can we build systems of supervision that focus on developing teacher expertise rather than merely measuring quality?
Her research interests include early childhood system alignment and fiscal policies; leadership; and identifying and measuring quality indicators.
Measuring quality assessment in science classrooms through artifacts and self - report.
There is promising evidence for these practices, but refinement is needed - notably around measuring the quality of implementation.
But clients measure quality in terms of the value they receive for the money they pay.
At many companies there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how to measure quality work.
Being able to see and measure these qualities beforehand saves employers time and money.
While there is broad agreement that quality matters, how to define and measure quality across home visiting models is an open question.
It even measures the quality of air in your home to make sure everything is comfortable and normal.
This article points out the flaws in several current methods for measuring these qualities.
This would limit resources available to support school improvement efforts at comprehensive high schools that are struggling based on indicators that accurately measure the quality of their program.
These models can help educators develop more nuanced ways to measure quality in public elementary and secondary schools.
Companies should also measure the quality and sentiment of interactions with their Millennial customers and the critical 2 percent over time.
People who followed the diet also had higher scores on a questionnaire that measured their quality of life and overall mood.
While we can't really measure their quality as a computer programmer after two terms at Code Club using Scratch, we do see that they have a renewed appetite for their other subjects, because they're now no longer scared of problem solving.
By measuring qualities such as openness, conscientiousness and neuroticism, officials say they can craft more effective appeals and drive people to take action.
Fostering high - performance CPR by medical professionals by measuring the quality of CPR during resuscitations and continuously improving it.
These schools measure their quality not simply by academic standards but by such things as piety (spirituality), relevance and «professional» orientation.
The Council is under intense pressure to demand that all law schools adhere to metrics measuring quality legal education.
When measuring the quality of proteins, meaning, the efficiency with which the proteins of these different foods are used within the body, it is found that the weight gained from animal protein is greatly larger than any possible weight gained from plant protein.
OF COURSE bad teachers cheat on an evaluation system that allows them to cheat; the solution to this is a better evaluation system, one that really measures quality.
WTA has emerged as a hallmark to measure quality brilliance of industries engaged
In addition, we provide the first evidence that classroom observation scores are unbiased predictors of teacher performance on a rubric measuring the quality of mathematics instruction.
• The AAHA standards measure the quality of care in the areas of: anesthesia, contagious diseases, dentistry, pain management, patient care, surgery and emergency care.
«Always fans and people are going to measure your quality on trophy wins.
529 patients (213 before and 316 after renal transplantation), treated at the University Hospital in Essen, have filled in the EFK measuring coping and other instruments measuring quality of life (Münchner Lebensqualität - Dimensionen - Liste, MLDL), psychological distress (Brief Symptom Inventory, BSI) and social support (Fragebogen zur Sozialen Unterstützung, Kurzform, F - SozU - K22).
Train your management team to pull data and appropriately measure the quality of hire.
One of the most unique characteristics of German wine is its use of a classification system that measures quality based on the grape's natural sugar level at harvest (which is completely different from the sugar level of the final product.)
It is a way to measure quality performance and ensure job security.»
«Given the research and demographic shifts, it's essential to carefully measure the quality of classroom experiences for dual - language learners and to optimize their learning in our state and across the country.»
It should of course be critical at all stages, not only because it appears Ofsted are starting to pose questions about measuring quality assurance for post merger colleges but also and more importantly because in the long run, the success of collaborative FE drivers will stand or fallon the quality of learning provision that enables students to thrive, realise their potential and lays the foundations for successful careers.
Spencer Foundation Measuring the Quality of Civic and Political Engagement.
The DERS measures qualities such as patience and persistence in children, precision and clarity in lessons, and order in the environment, which support the development of executive functions, literacy, and social - emotional learning.
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