Sentences with phrase «to meet one's little one»

And now that things are settling down, I'm just so excited about meeting this little one in a few weeks.
I hope that this is the last big decision associated with this pregnancy, but one thing is for certain: Every day we become more excited about meeting this little girl.
Of course, it's too soon to know, I haven't even met the little guy yet.
I can not wait to meet this little boy through your posts.
As I write this I'm very literally looking across that same body of water to the hillside where you'll meet your little man tomorrow.
One of the most heart warming moments of my life was when my daughter met her little brother.
But I am ready, I am really ready to meet this little person now, I am so curious of what she looks like and her personality.
I'm looking forward to the third trimester, and eventually meeting this little baby, but I'm also a little sad to say goodbye to this trimester.
The proposal met little resistance when it came before the state board yesterday, with some board members stressing that training mentors is essential.
The likelihood of meeting another little one with this name are still significantly obscure.
Not quite, but I am ready to meet this little love.
There is no better joy then to finally meet your little one.
I ready to meet this little lady so hopefully she make her appearance soon!
You want your house full of guests to meet your little treasure.
They will be there to support her through to the end when she will meet her little bundle of joy for the first time.
The question is when is the right time to meet the little critters?.
So, you see, it is not so simple to pick a name for your baby, especially when you are usually picking this name before you even meet your little one.
I haven't met any little humans yet either so I don't know if they will be more scary than bigger humans or not.
I am gonna hit 28 weeks in just few days and can't believe I get to meet this little babe so soon!
Now being considered full term, I've been eager to get the labor process started and meet this little gal.
The balls, though made of different materials, met little air resistance and landed at the same time.
It's so hard to believe we'll be meeting our little one in just 20 weeks, but I can not wait to meet her!
Although I'm also getting pretty desperate to meet this little creature!
It's been a rough pregnancy and I am just so ready to meet this little princess who has been growing inside of me the last 9 months.
Let us help you along the way as you prepare to meet your little diamond.
You're almost ready to meet your little joy!
I was blown away after meeting this little puppy because he was such a great dog.
It also helps if you introduce yourself in a way that gives the people you are meeting a little insight into what you do.
We then went to meet my little girl at her tee ball practice and went to celebrate eating Mexican food.
Now, here, at 38 weeks, I can not even believe that we are about to meet our little guy here soon!
Hopefully I'll get to see if when I get to meet their little boy!
And, yet, I couldn't wait to meet the little man.
You're excited and eager to meet this little person growing inside of you.
It's super cute to see my little ones so curious and eager to meet this little baby.
I ready to meet this little lady so hopefully she make her appearance soon!
But with all the practicing and general work that this method involves, you're bound to meet a little resistance.
The most important thing is to focus on meeting your little one's nutritional needs.
I'm so excited to meet my little bundle but he will arrive when he's ready!
I seriously can not believe I have two more months till I get to meet my little peanut.
We are in the process of getting licensed for foster care for infants so I haven't met the little one yet!
So Helen is our expert and Helen and I are going to meet you a little later on as the expert and talk about your experience there, but you are a mom as well, so tell us a little bit about that?
So keen was McDermott to get back to work that he joined the executive board's extraordinary meeting little more than two months after the accident, on September 10, 2015.
We didn't have any babysitters available for a few hours, so I made breakfast for the kids, finished packing my bag and spent some time reading to the kids, who were very excited to finally meet their little sister and patiently got quiet during contractions so I could breathe.
This is one developmental milestone that preemies may meet a little bit before their full term peers since they've been exposed to the language for longer.
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