Sentences with phrase «to meet one's protein requirements»

The dog food must not be made from grains like corn, peanuts, and rice since these can not meet the protein requirements of your canine.
It is an outdated myth that it is difficult to meet protein requirements from plant sources.
If you're meeting your caloric needs with well - balanced meals then you'll easily meet your protein requirements.
The American Dietetic Association acknowledges this fact and states that «Plant protein can meet protein requirements when a variety of plant foods is consumed and energy needs are met.
How can someone on a plant based diet be protein and fiber sufficient when you say 97 % of Americans meet protein requirements but 97 % of Americans don't meet fiber requirements.
Dear Eliran Vegh, The protein from spinach, broccoli, Kale is plenty - sufficient and of such high quality that it may be the protein - of - choice, If you are brain - washed that you need more quantity protein, (I am not convinced you do), you may add the soy - greenbeans [Edamame]... only an ounce will easily meet your protein requirements.
Like any dog, a dachshund is also a carnivore and it needs meat to meet the protein requirements of its body.
If you simply decrease the calories, but are not meeting protein requirements, your pet may lose lean muscle mass.
Which is actually quite the challenge — particularly when it comes to meeting protein requirements.
Meeting your protein requirement can be a little tricky once you take any and all animal products out of the equation.
You can choose to modify the program to include plant - based sources of protein such as nuts, seeds, legumes, lentils, fermented or organic soy, and plant - based protein powder to meet your protein requirements.
Other types of fish are a healthier option for meeting your protein requirements, but the occasional serving of shellfish is fine.
Protein powder is a high quality and super convenient way of helping you meet your protein requirements for the day.
On a lacto - ovo vegetarian, meeting protein requirements might also be slightly easier (but not all that much), since a serving of milk, yogurt, cheese, or eggs can typically provide 4 - 8 grams of protein.
However, if energy intake is reduced secondary to a decreased metabolic rate, or food intake, the protein to calorie ratio may need to be adjusted to meet the protein requirement.
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