Sentences with phrase «to meet other needs»

The national digital library endowment could not only help pay for digital content for public and academic libraries, but also help meet other needs, such as for school librarians.
I think that spirituality and the rituals that sometimes come with it can be one way of meeting other needs, but it is not the only one.
We «magically» meet each others needs when we are «in love».
Soleri believes that if sufficient energy can be gathered for the industries at the base of the arcologies, the waste heat from these industries can meet the other needs for energy.
It also shows how easy you could purchase the stroller, and how much money you could save out of the buy and in turn use to meet other needs such as buying of other stroller accessories, settling the bills back at home, or other stroller repair.
just need friend whom can share the happiness, sadness without meet each other
Although the popular breeds reached that status because they have characteristics that endear them to many families or meet some other need for large numbers of people, the rare breeds shouldn't be left out of consideration simply because they are uncommon.
Yes, it seemed rather intuituve that if my needs were met, I'd be in a better position to meet other needs.
But since we can not know that until they are born, try to meet your other needs.
It's not enough for a dating site to meet your sexual orientation needs — it also has to meet your other needs.
I'm here to find a friend / partner that we can both meet each others needs.
There is a black option also, to meet any other needs
A home equity loan can help you add value to your home, or meet other needs.
Vetericyn has eye care products that meet those other needs.
These innocent animals pay the cost with their lives and taxpayers pay the cost with tax dollars that could (and should) be used to meet other needs.
If you already have software that meets those other needs, be sure your new system is compatible with your legacy hotel management system.
A special needs trust allows you to keep these benefits, and use your personal injury compensation to meet other needs.
Some will see this as yet another financial responsibility for the state and its taxpayers at a time when the Legislature already must fix funding of K - 12 public education and meet other needs.
This isn't good news for the insured as the funds would be given out too early and might be used to meet other needs, not the ones planned for.
Become more open with each other and clear about how to meet each others needs.
Planned, short - term, day and evening care provided in licensed childcare homes is available to allow foster, pre-adoptive and kinship families to attend to foster care - related or personal business; provide a break from parenting; and to meet other needs that impact the overall stability of the family.
In couples therapy, one of my primary goals is to help couples develop healthy ways to resolve conflicts, find compassion, nurture each other, and meet each others needs.
Dependency is the need to obtain the assistance of other people in order to meet other needs.
And there's no need to let a lack of imagination keep buyers from saying yes to a home that meets all their other needs.
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