Sentences with phrase «to meet the needs of this population»

At issue is how China can best manage credit and natural resource rent in a way that best meets the needs of its population.
Rationale thought suggests that humans build robust infrastructure that will meet the needs of the population over the next 50 years or so.
«The Incheon Declaration adopted by 160 countries commits to meeting the needs of these populations through more resilient, resistive and inclusive education systems and a response to crisis that spans the phases of emergency, recovery and building.
Strategies for providing services to meet the needs of the population vary throughout the state depending upon the availability of other programs and services and upon the fiscal resources of the Migrant Education Program.
In this article, Petrilli looks at what poor students and their more affluent peers need and want from a school — and the challenge this presents to diverse schools that are trying to meet the needs of both populations of students.
There are issues of strays versus ferals and how best to humanely meet the needs of those populations.
HVSA grantees represent a range of programs that meet the needs of populations across the state, including diverse geographic, racial / ethnic and other demographic groups.
In 1993, I was lucky enough to be able to found a private high school in Los Angeles to meet the needs of this population.
• The overall results from the model estimate that U.S. agricultural land has the capacity to meet the needs of a population 1.3 to 2.6 times larger than the U.S. population in 2010.
The Southern Nevada Water Authority's most recent 50 - year water plan once again aims to outline how the area's water resources can meet the needs of its population and economy.
Policymakers must consequently prepare to meet the needs of a population that will soon be much older
In order to meet the needs of this population, which includes many people with high medical needs, including chronic conditions, the design of the program probably needs to be changed, they said.
To better meet the needs of this population, we expanded the program in 1997 - 98 by creating Book Buddies II.
The aim of the research is to explore the extent to which variable renewable energy, especially wind power, can generate a stable electricity source to meet the needs of the population.
I believe that we find ways to broaden our services to meet the needs of the population; I think in a more meaningful way than sometimes these purely document generation systems can do.
Specialized policies for college students can be customized to meet the needs of this population.
Targeting services to the communities with the greatest need, states and territories then selected the model (s) that best met the needs of their populations, and used MIECHV funds to support the expansion of service delivery in those communities.
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