Sentences with phrase «to mend one's relationship»

In stark contrast, Khosrowshahi, who replaced Kalanick, has focused on mending the relationship with Google.
«I applaud this settlement, because reforming stop - and - frisk and mending the relationship between communities of color and the NYPD is long overdue.
Taking responsibility will make it easier to work together on mending the relationship.
In the light of Cambridge Analytica Facebook decided to take the necessary steps to help mend its relationship with its more than 2 billion active users.
It's more challenging to mend a relationship when only one partner is willing to go to therapy, but you can still benefit by learning more about your reactions and behavior in the relationship.
Being aware of these predictors helps partners to pick up the pieces and mend the relationship before it is too late.
The current US administration may be very pessimistic regarding the possibility of mending relationships or it may act not very prudent, kind of on the same level as NK, both is possible.
Still, proper introductions often go a long way to mending relationship issues before they even start.
To begin mending the relationship with fans, top members of the development team plan to host an AMA («Ask Me Anything») Wednesday on Reddit.
When I divorced many years ago and my ex and I sought couseling to mend our relationship as parents and put our son first, people thought we were crazy and couldn't understand why we would go to such lengths.
If you have deeper needs to mend your relationship prior to arrival of your baby, call my friends Baby Proofed Parents in Austin.
She had always disregarded him, but after reading the book she reached out and started mending the relationship with her father.
That terrible idea is also the setup for Sky, featuring Diane Kruger and Gilles Lellouche as Romy and Richard, a couple who try to mend their relationship by...
If that obnoxious family member is none other than your fur baby... there are some things that you can do to directly mend your relationship and curb the bad behavior.
Red Hood has since mended his relationship with Batman and is called upon when needed.
I am a therapist and believe Sue Johnson is one of the brightest lights to enter the world of helping people mend relationships.
However, this quickness to mend relationships caused an instinct to always mutter «I'm sorry» at everything.
And it can be just as brave to be single again as it is to try to mend a relationship after infidelity.
Mending the relationship took time and a persistent effort by Dr. Coleman to stay in contact.»
Mr. de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton have cited the retraining effort as one way to continue to mend the relationship between police and those they protect.
We often teach children the importance of using such repair statements in order to mend a relationship when someone's feelings have been hurt, or there was an action that caused harm to the wellness of the relationship.
By opting for marriage and family counseling, you can make appropriate and thoughtful decisions about mending your relationship or parting your ways.
I do whatever I can to help bring the couple closer together and mend their relationship issues.
It only takes one person to end a power struggle and begin mending the relationship.
Get your issues out in the open either with date nights or regular honest communication or seek couples counseling to help mend your relationship.
Maradona acknowledged that he'd need to mend his relationship with Boca's top player Juan Roman Riquelme.
If you are seeing these predictors present in your relationship it is time to seek professional assistance and mend the relationship before it is too late.
They consented, and for the next few hours, we filled the whiteboard with everything we needed to do to mend the relationship and help them serve their internal customers.
When you are in a disagreement with someone — it doesn't matter who, and you want to mend your relationship, what is generally the first thing that you do?
Yes, I believe what James is saying here is to confess your sins to each other to mend your relationship with that person and to be honest with that person.
Erdogan visited the White House in May in an attempt to mend the relationship between the United States and Turkey.
Therapeutic professionals have years of experience in counseling with both teens and parents on how to mend relationships, sustain healthy interactions and how to better parent their teenage boy based on their unique personality and needs.
The Family Development Center strives to mend every relationship.
Interestingly, Pakistan never even sent any diplomatic mission to mend the relationship.
Interestingly though, Pakistan never even sent any diplomatic mission to mend the relationship with the UAE.
North Korea is probably the most hostile nation on Earth to the US, so why would they want to have a mended relationship?
There is no evidence that North Korea wants a mended relationship.
Why does the US not just accept North Korea's nuclear ambitions and attempt to mend relationships?
What is there that the US can do to «mend relationships»?
How do you «mend relationships» with that?
Given that, why does the US not just accept that, and attempt to mend relationships?
And besides, North Korea doesn't want a «mended relationship».
In 2016, for the first time in more than two decades, NYC counted fewer than 1,100 shootings in a calendar year, a milestone that officials said was a result of the Police Department's efforts to focus on serious crimes and mend relationships with the communities it serves.
The former U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development colleagues dined in private Dec. 1 to an effort to mend their relationship, but they have not made a joint public announcement in months.
I think we still have time to mend that relationship and I'm hopeful that we can do that.
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