Sentences with phrase «to mention something on one's blog»

What a lovely give away you're doing, so many wonderful things... Please enter me and I will also mention it on my blog for the second entry.
I don't think I've ever mentioned it on this blog before, but there you have it.
I know I don't mention it on the blog very much because this is sort of my escape, but infertility is no joke.
All I'd ask is that you'd consider mentioning it on your blog or writing a review.
I haven't really mentioned it on the blog, but at the beginning of the year major changes were made to the way my schedule works at work.
Yes, I've supported several self - published authors before, to the point of mentioning them on my blog and tweeting their «buy» links.
I've mentioned it on this blog before: we are not trying to win over the already converted.
I know I've mentioned it on the blog once or twice before, but ever since Zak and I moved to Columbus and downsized to a smaller home, we want a lot less of it.
I started using that Alterna Caviar shampoo and conditioner when you first mentioned it on your blog and I absolutely love it!
Chances are, you've already spotted them (and probably mentioned them on the blog and I missed it), but here they are:
They may tweet your review, pin your review on Pinterest, and may even mention you on their blog.
Tara P.S. Mentioned you on my blog today as I was trying to hang a shelf — some see!
I knew this color must be special when long ago Seleta mentioned it on her blog: «I worked our whole house around my favorite blue which I had painted on the walls of the master bedroom.
Mention it on your blog.
You keep amazing me everyday, Alex. Someone had mentioned you on another blog as a must read everyday and they were not wrong.
(We had a fun conversation with Dan's brother and his wife about this controversial method, and I knew that if I mentioned it on the blog I was bound to get a few comments on it!)
I've mentioned it on the blog a few times before, but I'll give you some more details about what makes it so unique.
I mentioned them on my blog, and linked the mention to this page.
I received payment, or one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog.
I just found you on Flickr and have mentioned you on my blog, hope that's ok.
I bought a ceramic knife after you mentioned them on your blog a while back, and it remains my favorite kitchen purchase ever.
I mentioned it on my blog for our pirate - themed homeschool week.
Disclaimer: I received the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned it on the blog or not, but at the end of August I'm headed to London to study abroad for my fall semester.
You may also earn extra entries by tweeting about this contest and / or mentioning it on your blog.
Thanks for mentioning me on the blog and that's why I shall keep following your blog - because you keep it honest about slipping in Faith.
** I received the products mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog.
Occasionally I receive a product for free in hopes that I will mention it on my blog or receive monetary funds to review a product or service.
If you enjoy a read, be sure to tweet it, mention it on your blog, link to it on Facebook and tell all your friends.
Disclosure: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog.
Do I just have to mention it on my blog, or put a link?
I mentioned you on my blog today.
Occasionally I receive a product for free in hopes that I will mention it on my blog or receive monetary funds to review a product or service.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned in some of my posts for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog.
We were torn on whether or not to mention it on the blog but decided last night to go ahead.
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