Sentences with phrase «to mete out»

The phrase "to mete out" means to distribute or dispense something in a measured, controlled manner. Full definition
«There's an argument, which I don't fully buy but that could be made, that whether there was intention to deceive is irrelevant, and the only thing that matters in meting out punishment is whether one should build on the results or ignore them,... but if you want to inculcate the norms of proper behavior and to deter and maybe filter out of science the people who are more likely to engage in misconduct, then that differential penalty is warranted.»
Finally his family discovers him in a remote Louisiana mill town, promptly buys the property, and puts Randolph in charge of this place unlike any he has ever seen, where men are surrounded by cypress swamps and menace, leading lives of ceaseless, backbreaking toil punctuated only by the brutal entertainments provided by the Sicilians who control the whiskey and card games and girls, and by the rough justice meted out by the still - tormented Byron.
Capra has been criticized for not meting out justice upon Potter.
The public are happy with the severe punishments meted out in the aftermath of this month's rioting and support tough sanctions against those convicted, a new poll suggests.
English FA to appeal against punishment meted out for national team wearing poppies in the recent match against Scotland.
The meeting conducted with the Obas and other traditional leaders was attended by Owoseni, the DC (CID), DCP Bolaji Salami, the Area Commander — Ikorodu, ACP Garuba, the Commander RRS, ACP Olatunji Disu and other DPOs to discuss collaborative efforts with residents of the area to end the menace and to put a stop to the ill - fated jungle justice penalty meted out on suspected Badoo members.
In many schools with high rates of suspension, the SEL - aligned approach of choice is «restorative justice,» a concept common to many indigenous traditions that focuses on integrating wrongdoers into the community and reciprocally addressing conflict, instead of meting out punishment.
Amid the horrendous violence meted out by cartels in Mexico over the last decade, much of it in northern Mexico, US border communities — cities like El Paso and San Diego — have been among the safest places in the US.
Whether it's bail reform, juvenile justice reform, grand jury reform, wrongful convictions — it is essential that justice isn't meted out on the basis of whether you're a poor person or a rich person.
But most of all it is a tale of betrayals of basic sanity on many levels of the judicial system that is entrusted with meting out justice in legal disputes.»
Of course it's fine to remind schools that, under federal civil rights laws, they can not treat students of various races or other protected groups differently when meting out punishments for misbehavior.
Doesn't NCLB use state test scores to measure AYP and mete out disciplines?
Not only are the Scriptures and the historic interpretation wrong, they are both active purveyors of injustice meted out towards homosexuals.
The rollback among big banks follows harsh penalties meted out by the Justice Department, which accused many banks of putting FHA on the hook for shoddy loans in the years leading up to the mortgage meltdown.
Wrecking matches are deathmatch rounds in cars, and while it's good to see collision damage meted out more on the recipient's side, it still boils down to lots of circling and trying to find a lucky trajectory with missiles and bullets.
Nonetheless, it is clear that they spoke from faith in a transcendent God who meted out justice and cared deeply for the poor and outcast, whether in Vietnam or in America.
Many of the detainees were ultimately prosecuted by military courts, which meted out harsh punishments on them.
Readers were shocked by the high levels of suspensions meted out in Ferguson - Florissant and the fact that few of its students were being provided college - preparatory learning; this latter fact especially stood out in light of Missouri's decision in June to end implementation of Common Core reading and math standards.
While millions of additional Federal dollars will have to be poured into policing, courts and incarceration to deal with the rapidly growing sentences meted out by mandatory - minimum jail legislation, our Provinces can't even provide a token increase in the funding to a vital resource that assists the most disenfranchised persons coming into our courts.
According to the federal rules, states only have to count the overall graduation rate when meting out sanctions.
It took place mostly in cramped environments with creepy sound effects, with enemies meted out at a pace that allowed for a good stream of action while keeping tension high.
That fear kept policy makers from meting out as much stimulus as they should have perhaps done.
The pundits have successfully transformed the pipeline into a culture war issue, falsely meted out as «Oil from friendly neighbors and construction jobs = good, radical environmentalists who want to destroy the economy and freedom itself = bad».
Do you condemn the eternal torture that your god metes out for even minor transgressions during a short mortal life?
However, it has not been as simple as it might suggest as the WebOS tablet had made it to the top of the popularity charts even if that has been for a brief period of time and after having been provided with one of the heaviest discounts ever meted out in Tablet history.
Given the rising competition in the insurance industry and the higher incidences of people concealing facts, insurance providers have become extremely stringent with their investigation processes, before meting out claims.
Ryan Reynolds, spewing bad wordplays, is the demented anti-Spider-Man bent on meting out revenge to his creator.
She's usually the one who metes out swift, painful retribution to men who badly underestimate her capacity to crack spines.
It turned its findings over to the Legislative Ethics Commission, appointed by lawmakers, which metes out punishment.
However, while all of this maybe nice listening to, it's not yet known whether there will be a similar discount meted out to the iPads or from when it would begin stocking the famed tablet PCs.
Although the title suggests this book is about Lung Cancer - one of the cancers with the worst prognosis - Carl Helvie has written a book which could justifiably be considered to be one of the most comprehensive books which ought to be on the shelf of every practitioner, cancer patient and certainly oncologist and which shows how wrong the «death sentence» often meted out by cancer doctors can be.
Credit cards tend to punish businesses and users who have a less - than - good credit rating, and a high annual fee is one way that companies mete out such punishments.
Some would argue this, since its troop of brutal, scalping Jewish soldiers mete out sadistic, Apache - cribbed violence one might more easily associate with their Nazi victims, and the film's climax finds the Germans caught in their own glorified oven (in this case, an immolating movie theater), a ludicrous and dramatic reversing of history.
No longer able to accept black invisibility in theology and getting angrier and angrier at the white brutality meted out against Martin King and other civil rights activists, my Southern, Arkansas racial identity began to rise in my theological consciousness.
Sometimes limits need to be set (that they meet up in groups vs. 1:1, for example) and consequences meted out.
This it the brutal, surly brother to Bridge of Spies» clean - cut kid, a spy thriller in which characters are divested of their nationalities as a way to mete out actions which can not be seen to be linked to any one country for fear of reprimands.
In the current study this aversion to blood was not strong enough to trump the cultural expectation that we should help those in need — but it carefully meted out generosity to those truly in the most need.
While you have all this violence at your disposal, it's just not enough because the action is too fast and the damage mete out too heavy for you to survive alone, forcing you to engage the turn - based element.
Dorchester County's district meted out one or more suspensions to 11 percent of students in 2013 - 14, an increase over the 8.6 percent suspension rate in 2011 - 2012.
They make sure that the work meted out to them is done with precision and care, and that any issues or problems are taken care of immediately, so that they don't affect customers.
The ongoing role of awakenings in the American experiment kept Protestantism from veering too close to institutionalization in which the Church becomes an organization of self - preservation, a mechanism that metes out laws.
Only Robbie's Tonya Harding earns real sympathy, her bratty attitude justified by the cruelty meted out by mother and spouse and snobbiness of the skating fraternity.
MGS is set in a violent world, and doesn't flinch from representing violent actions, but it is not a game about meting out violence — it's about avoiding it as much as possible.
It is thus expected that with the onset of web - based social platforms, the world has been made to be one village and close to everyone thus breaching the barriers that are associated with the race and other forms of discriminations meted out on the minorities in the society.
And the film is essentially a compendium of skirmishes in which tit - for - tat violence is meted out between the pair, with the hapless candidates (the «puppets») becoming the actual human targets.

Phrases with «to mete out»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z