Sentences with phrase «to minimize one's debt»

One recent study showed that families will accidentally minimize their debt by up to 37 % on average.
This scholarship is one way we encourage high school students to experience our online tools to learn about the concepts of minimizing debt and making responsible borrowing decisions.
By understanding the terms of student loans, your debt options and refinancing and repayment opportunities, you can minimize your debt load while paving the way for a secure financial future.
That being said, I think that every student should do what they can to minimize their debt without negatively impacting their grades.
The topic I want to discuss today is a continuum from our discussion on minimizing debt during residency.
In order to minimize your debt ratio, start paying your debts down as early as possible.
Whether you're just beginning to pay off debt or working towards minimizing debt, it may help to answer some fundamental questions about your situation.
Try to minimize your debts by saving in small ways while on campus.
Shop around colleges and grants available to you to minimize your debt load.
Hoyes, Michalos & Associates is licensed for bankruptcy filings, and on its website, it provides a bankruptcy blog on topics such as minimizing debt as your family grows, budgeting during a job loss, and re-thinking taking out additional loans.
«You should minimize your debts at all times but certainly be out of debt — including mortgage debt — by age 60,» says Alfred Feth, a fee - only adviser in Waterloo, Ont.
I think itâ $ ™ s really difficult to anticipate what is going to happen in your life long - term, and that thus the prudent choice is to act to minimize debt NOW regardless of if itâ $ ™ s OK debt or not.
Sometimes simply talking through the options helps lead to wiser loan choices and even minimizes debt.
Use resources provided by our friends Heather Jarvis and the folks at Equal Justice Works to understand what it is you've borrowed and how you can minimize your debt obligations most quickly.
Life insurance is often purchased by high - net - worth families to essentially protect their estates and minimize the debt burden for heirs, either through an individual policy, or through lower cost «second to die» coverage (meaning heirs receive the death benefit after both spouses on a policy die).
Credit Managers are in charge of the credit granting process and their duties include: assessing the creditworthiness of customers, minimizing debt losses, increasing sales, investigating credit applications, managing corporate financing programs, and maintaining the corporate credit policy.
For those who need help setting up and managing a DMP and who want to minimize their debt payments, a Plan offered through a non-profit credit counseling agency affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling is a good choice.
«The scholarship is a great way to expose high school students to the concepts of minimizing debt and making responsible borrowing decisions right at the time they are making college decisions.
A few actions you can take to boost your credit score include paying your bills on time, minimizing your debt and checking your credit report periodically.
You can improve your credit score by minimizing your debt, paying on time every month and not taking out new forms of credit.
For example, you would think that owing a lot of money to a lender would make students want to spend less, minimizing their debt and keeping things in check as much as possible.
If you are opting for a home loan, you will obviously need to check out the best options that will help you to minimize your debt.
You can minimize the debt you take on by keeping your grades up, applying for scholarships, and working your way through school.
But you'll be doing your kids a favor to ask the hard questions, and encourage your kids to minimize the debt they take on, and limit that debt to a level that makes sense.
Inflating your income, minimizing your debts, or exaggerating your credit score will not help.
If you are self - employed, optimizing your savings, credit score, down payment; minimizing your debts; and maintaining an up - to - date profit ‐ and - loss statement is a good strategy.
To minimize debt, not only should you cut down on your day to day expenses and manage to make the most out of every dollar you spend, you should also do what it takes to cut down on the costs of supporting any existing debt that you carry.
Now, because of FTC legalities, Premier Debt Help will not charge these fees in advance, helping you minimize your debt quicker.
According to Laura Adams, an analyst who helped conduct the study, «Responsible habits, such as paying your bills on time and minimizing debt, pay off in many ways, including paying less for car insurance.»
Check out these CreditDonkey resources on getting credit card balances in order to minimize debt and finding the best ways to get cash back on groceries and gas.
Learn how to minimize your debt, and borrow responsibly.
We've worked to help educate families on how to cover their college costs wisely and to minimize debt.
You need to minimize your debt; that means not only paying off your student loans but also credit card bills, auto loans, and mortgages as quickly as possible.
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