Sentences with phrase «to miss school days»

While just about all students miss school some days during their elementary and secondary years for occasional sickness and family needs, some students miss school far more often.
What if parents are more afraid that missed school days serve as a way to differentiate between children at the top of the rankings?
Healthy Schools Schools can reduce asthma triggers by limiting chemicals and fragrances, such as found in disinfecting wipes used inside the school or on school grounds, that can trigger asthma and allergies, hurt student and teacher performance, and result in missed school days.
According to the National Education Association, 160,000 children miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students.
In fact, a study by the National Association of School Psychologists estimates that 160,000 children miss school every day for fear of being bullied.
Statistics show that 160,000 children in the United States miss school each day as a result of being bullied.
which means less missed school days and a happier healthier child.
Stoneman Douglas students who missed school that day «may feel disconnected from their peers, even though they are still part of the school,» said Amanda Weiss, clinical supervisor at the Faulk Center for Counseling in Boca Raton.
Prospective studies of injured children, teens, and adults, find PTSD symptoms are key predictors of poorer physical and functional recovery — lower health - related quality of life, more missed school days — over the months and years following an injury.
Asthma outcomes — hospitalizations, attacks, and missed school days due to asthma — were also significantly lower for children living in the green buildings.
Roughly one in 10 of its students miss school every day, with half of the absences unexcused; and, data show students with an attendance record of less than 80 per cent have a 10 to 20 per cent chance of graduating on time from high school.
But whether or not the county will have to make up missed school days is ultimately up to the Florida Department of Education.
If I was a Christian student and school was in session on December 25, I would miss school that day, and then meet with my teachers to schedule make - up times and do the work as quickly as I could.
The problem with trying to serve all religious holidays, is that the students will have shorter summer breaks as they will have to make up all the missed school days due to recognizing every religion out there... because that's what will have to happen to please everyone.
I missed the school days of uniforms.
It's like choosing not to vaccinate against chicken pox; it would be naïve to make that decision and not be prepared for spots, itching, and missed school days.
Parents were losing patience, and teachers looked worse with each missed school day.
Asthma is the most common chronic illness in childhood and accounts for 13.8 million missed school days each year.
In addition to assessing clinical outcomes in a retrospective cohort of 30,000 children, the researchers studied a prospective cohort of 2,472 children, doing telephone interviews with caregivers to measure outcomes that parents had identified as their highest concerns: adverse drug effects, additional childcare costs, lingering symptoms and missed school days.
EPA health analyses found that a 60 - ppb standard would prevent nearly 2 million child asthma attacks and missed school days each in 2025, versus more than 300,000 each at 70 ppb, the groups note.
The new research set out to determine not only how many kids with ADHD take part in after - school activities, but also the link between doing so and the number of missed school days and calls home from school.
Similarly, in Senegal, only 12 of the 80 missed school days in 2014 were due to teachers avoiding their responsibilities.
The assignments keep teens on track and also prevent the schools from having to make up the missed school days at the end of the school year.
The result — at best — is missed school days, lower grades, and feelings of isolation from the school community.
Missed school days.
Every missed school day costs the district state funding, which is calculated on average daily attendance.
Some schools provide non-traditional instruction using technology on snow days to keep teens on track and prevent the schools from having to make up the missed school days.
(In New York City, 10 percent of the 180 - day school year is about 18 missed school days, almost a month of school).
Asthma is a chronic disease accounting for 10 million missed school days.
With so many students attending the protest rallies on their own or with their parents, and after four missed school days, officials say the issue is certain to be on students» minds.
Lastly, while teachers can generally go on strike without fear of losing any pay, since the missed school days have to be made up at the end of the year, most other public employees working year - round jobs don't have this luxury.
If students of a certain religion will be missing school days, it would be helpful to post these on a classroom calendar and let everyone in the class know ahead of time.
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