Sentences with phrase «to miss the record»

Yet too frequently clients share their frustrations with other providers regarding missed records, poor candidate experience, and slow turnaround time.
Despite my hit and miss record with Urasawa, I loved Pluto, but didn't care for 20th Century Boys and Monster, I have pre-ordered not jut the first volume, but the second as well.
«I had missed the record earlier and I was thinking that I just wanted to get this done right.
However, despite a hit - or - miss record in conference play, the Hoosiers are back in the NCAA Tournament and could pose challenges for opponents early and often.
He had birdie putts burn the edge on two of his last three holes to just miss the record.
One problem the FDA has in doing so is a matter of staffing: The agency has a medical officer review each report from manufacturers, but it doesn't have someone who can routinely follow up with the patient, the patient's family, or physician for missing records necessary to take a serious enforcement action.
Myself switched onto Apptivo, through this accounting tool, I'm managing my business accounts easily without missing any records and facing difficulties possibility is very less.
btw The hit & miss record predicting the top winners & losers is quite normal — another great argument for diversification in your portfolio.]
This is short - sighted and makes no economic sense: pagination saves more money than it costs; using a pagination company alerts the solicitor to potential pitfalls in the case, identifying pertinent missing records, providing a well - ordered, paginated and indexed bundle that the solicitor and the experts can easily navigate, saving time and reducing their fees.
Tracking all of this activity has been precise for me, just like Samsung's previous wearables, and its automatic workout detection means I never miss recording any activity throughout the day.
Sure, on - demand shows are nice, but I really miss recording my favorite shows and fast - forwarding through those pesky commercials.
They have a hit - and - miss record with the Oscars, although you have to go back to Up in the Air...
The province has admitted the unencrypted hard drive had been stored in a warehouse since 2011 and the missing records stored on it represent the most data government has ever lost.
The trust, which runs five schools, has insisted the missing records are a genuine admin error.
If you miss recording on a chapter or two, you can record the room tone separately and then just add it to your file but it's easier to do it all at once.
Bummer you missed your record, but man you are going to freaking crush it in August.
Because we missed recording last week, there's lots to catch up on, including Google's Pixel 2 announcement event, New York Comic Con, Elon's Mars colony dreams, and the release of the SNES Classic.
You also must find your missing records and collect these.
If the level of accuracy in the proxies isn't much smaller than that, there will be plenty of both false and missed records.
Though that was beautiful, I'm still sad to be missing the record - breaking warmth back east.
If you find that you are missing records, you should take the time to request copies of your missing tax information.
On May 21st, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice held that a kennel failed to meet it's standard of care based on an inference it drew because of a missing record.
Businesses will be faced with a mountain of data to trawl through — the end result will be a significant time and personnel cost and a great risk of missing records or worse, including the wrong records.
Somehow I missed the recording of Episode 2 — Jim Milles was the guest.
This might not matter too much if you're just recording basic one - on - one audio, but it could prove to be a lifesaver if you regularly produce podcasts, video blogs or permanent livestream recordings — you shouldn't experience the horror of a missing recording or a mangled audio track.
Often, if you miss recording a show, the user interface will present several streaming options to catch you up.
File and retrieved medical records in accordance with terminal digit filing system, researched lost or missing records, filed loose papers and reports, maintained associated logs, answered telephone, backup switchboard on a multi-line system
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