Sentences with phrase «to mix the contents»

"To mix the contents" means to combine or blend together the different parts or substances that are inside something. Full definition
Without mixing the contents of the can, scoop out the cream part on top and place in a medium sized bowl.
When I used the leftovers I put them in the microwave for 20 seconds — and quickly removed the dish, then mixed the contents with a spoon.
If you heat it in a microwave oven, be sure to thoroughly mix the contents prior to feeding to minimize uneven heating.
For both recipes, simply mix contents to combine in a large measuring cup.
There was, I noticed, some noise when the mill starts mixing its contents.
Mix contents of espresso pack into the cold coffee.
However, most owners find that it is easier and more convenient to open the capsule and mix the contents with wet food or a treat and prevent stress to both pet and owner!
Prepare the treatment by mixing the contents of one 10.6 ml bottle of Mitaban Dip with two gallons of warm water.
On the young Earth, pockets of liquid could have expanded into a network of channels that mixed their contents during freeze - thaw cycles, like day - night temperature changes in summer.
Similarly, in a cylindrical lab container — in which spinning disks mix the contents — added particles tend to form a doughnut - shaped swirl.
Just empty the can into a bowl and mix all contents together, so the tuna reabsorbs the natural fish oils and seasonings.
If you are buying an over the counter fish oil supplement to add to your cat's diet (rather than relying on a pet food manufacturer to do it for you), plan on mixing the contents of a one gram capsule into your cat's food two or three times a day.
And this will not mix contents with each other's iTunes library.
Thoroughly mix contents of container before removing desired amount for recipe.
Next, prepare the treatment by mixing the contents of one 10.6 ml bottle of Mitaban Dip with two gallons of warm water (two bottles of Mitaban Dip mixed with 4 gallons of warm water may be necessary for large dogs).
The pharmacy will give you small packets of Prevacid and instruct you on how to mix the contents with water.
Mix contents of capsule into food or some yogurt.
Periodically shake the jar to mix the contents.
You can open a pro-bio-tic capsule and mix the contents with the «cheese».
In a large bowl, mix the contents of the pan with the rice.
Mix the contents of the two bowls together, then use a dessert spoon to place separate «blobs» on to a greased baking sheet.
Then by shining a light I can get them to rotate much like a tumbler to mix the contents
After reading your article, I took some plain yogurt and mixed the contents of a b vitamin capsule with it.
Before using, mix the contents.
To Activate - simply shake to mix contents.
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